A federal judge in Florida ruled a U.S. law that prohibits people from having firearms in post offices to be unconstitutional, the latest court decision declaring gun restrictions violate the Constitution.

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump appointee, cited the 2022 Supreme Court ruling “New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen” that expanded gun rights. The 2022 ruling recognized the individual’s right to bear a handgun in public for self-defense.

The judge shared her decision in the indictment that charged Emmanuel Ayala, U.S. Postal Service truck driver, with illegal possession of a firearm in a federal building.

      • @[email protected]
        166 months ago

        killing people is still murder in Florida, which is a crime

        No, no, and no. If your are president you can totally murder and it is not a crime unless you are impeached and convicted - heard from a source that is considered reliable in Florida.

            • @[email protected]
              156 months ago

              Those skittles and hoodie were so much more dangerous than any gun.

              Still don’t get how he got off in that case

              • Flying Squid
                106 months ago

                Trayvon Martin was black and it’s Florida. I think it’s pretty much that simple.

              • @[email protected]
                76 months ago

                And you don’t see any problem with that, even though he did kill an innocent and unarmed person?

                  • Lightor
                    46 months ago

                    Yes and a person throwing a paper ball at you is technically attacking you too, you wanna just shoot everyone? Jesus. Lethal force should not your only option when you’re going out looking for trouble. That’s why they don’t just give cops guns and say “shoot em if they don’t listen.”

              • Flying Squid
                36 months ago

                I see. So OJ Simpson also did not murder his ex-wife and her boyfriend, correct?

              • Lightor
                26 months ago

                You realize that means he’s found innocent by a bunch of people who think like him. That doesn’t make his logic and people’s acceptance of it ok. Hell back in the day a jury of peers would find a slave guilty for running away.

          • Lightor
            36 months ago

            Yes, if kid runs up and knocks your drink out of your hand, kill that fool! Fight back!

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        There are many other common everyday items in society that can kill people if misused, yet they are not illegal in the post office.

        Are these other common everyday items purpose built for killing someone?

      • @otp
        56 months ago

        It was your second paragraph that got you the downvotes. And/or missing the joke

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        Downvotes aren’t necessarily disagreements. Sometimes they’re just about helping other people invest their time better.