I’m tired about reading about reddit here.

We left. Let’s move on.

    • Earl Turlet
      91 year ago

      Usernames checks out. This. Not a lawyer, but this is gold right here. Because science. F in the chat, my dude. That escalated quickly. ELI5? Happy cake day! 5/7 with rice. Take my upvote and go. We did it, Reddit! You. I like you. Good bot. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Instructions unclear, got stuck in ceiling fan. Plot twist: OP is the real MVP. I’m here all day folks. Ah, the ol’ Reddit switch-a-roo. Absolutely not me_irl. Risky click of the day. Came here to say this. OP’s mom has entered the chat. /s, but honestly, can confirm, am banana. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

        • Bill Stickers
          11 year ago

          To be fair that is a national treasure in my country. And we’re happy to share.

          • Undearius
            11 year ago

            Oh, it’s a fantastic skit and I still find it hilarious.

            It’s just annoying when the punchline was posted to literally anything that’s broken.

      • @feck_it
        1 year ago

        Also * shudder * as if people were roleplaying with their 6 foot tall cat gfs with those asterisks and shit, i was a lurker for obvious reasons but even i wanted to say “just write some sentences dude”