• @ArbitraryValue
    715 months ago

    I feel terrible when stuff I buy says it was made with love. Do I deserve the love of someone who never even met me? Do I deserve love at all? That’s why I prefer eating food made by unfeeling machines.

    • Che Banana
      205 months ago

      Don’t feel bad, that’s why it was made with love!

      Yes, you deserve the love I put into food, regardless if it’s Foie Gras, Vegan Lasagne or Tater friggin’ Tots…and also regardless if I’m 100% there or just going through the motions as an unfeeling machine.

        • @Naz
          5 months ago

          I used to buy Starbucks every day at university and work, I switched to making my own coffee to save money and it just didn’t taste the same.

          I tried every different ingredient I could think of, light roast, medium roast, dark, french, grind sizes.

          At last, I gave up and said: “Fuck it, I HATE making coffee…” took a sip… there it was, that missing flavor.

          It tastes the way it does, because it’s made with misery and spite!

          And that’s how I found out that I was actually a demon. Thanks for listening to my story.