• @Varyk
    5 months ago

    I thought it was about a spicy bottom after spices go out the bottom. Bidets fix that problem.

    • @Kecessa
      35 months ago

      Do you spray while it’s coming out or something?

      • @Varyk
        5 months ago

        Ooh no, don’t do that.

        After you finish evacuation(as near as you can tell), you wash off the mess using the bidet.

        Since you haven’t just smeared the mess around and into your skin with some paper, there’s no lingering burn.

          • @Varyk
            -25 months ago

            Capsaicin doesn’t really affect your intestines, it’s more of a skin irritant.

            So just wash off your skin as soon as it’s dirty, no burns.

            This is from direct experience, i highly recommend anyone who likes spicy food(and everyone else) to get some sort of bidet rather than smearing waste on themselves with toilet paper.

            • @Kecessa
              25 months ago

              Dude, I’ve got a bidet, eat spicy enough and it burns AS IT’S COMING OUT, there’s no escaping it!

                • @Kecessa
                  15 months ago

                  There’s a big difference between “I eat spicy food all the time” and “Hey, let’s go buy some crazy hot sauces and do an evening where we eat them with whatever support we prefer going from the mildest to the hottest one!”

                  I’ve got a sauce that I can’t put more than half a tea spoon of in a 10L batch of spaghetti sauce otherwise I have to decide who I eat it with…

                  So go to a hot sauce place, tell them you want 10 of them going from Tabasco hot all the way to 1m SHU and enjoy the spicy butt!

              • @Varyk
                15 months ago

                With a bidet, there’s a few seconds of burning if you really went crazy with spice, then you wash off and everything is back to normal vs. using toilet paper and suffering the burn and irritated skin for hours.

                That is an escape.

                As soon as I used my first bidet. I realized I had escaped the filthy cycle of toilet paper redistribution.