To the butthurt downvotes: yep, you misunderstood the meme. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe it’s group thinking… I don’t know… it’s literally meant to make fun of actual people who support genocide… what kind of person would use this meme format unironically?

Edit: this thread has been the most reddit-y I’ve seen on lemmy… thank you for robbing me of some hope

  • Sabre363
    05 months ago

    You made a post essentially advocating for genocide. Not generally the kind of opinion that gets a lot of support around here. Maybe that wasn’t your intention, but that is how it comes off.

    • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
      5 months ago

      Except the meme meant the opposite…


      Just to clarify, you misunderstood how the “We are not the same” meme is used. Here is one example from know your meme:

      Some of them are actually about the poster but geez I didn’t expect anyone would think that people who support a genocide would just say it out loud…

      Like this one could be an OP’s:

      Like for example, do you think this one one promotes porn addiction?

      • Sabre363
        05 months ago

        I understand the meme just fine and I’m not judging, but you did ask why all the down votes.

        Also, when talking about a controversial subject, the meme behind it can get easily forgotten in the reaction. You might get more mileage with a slightly less confrontational format.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
          5 months ago

          If you understood the meme just fine, would you have accused me of “making a post openly advocating for supporting genocide”? I don’t think so. I think you started understanding it just now.

          Excuse my scepticism, but it’s hard to believe you on that.

          Fair point about that last bit… Unlucky for me, I actually knew how this meme was used and didn’t think people would misunderstand on a Meme page.

          But yeah my bad, next time I’ll spell it all out until the haha is squeezed right out of the joke 👍

          • Sabre363
            15 months ago

            I wasn’t so much accusing you as pointing out how it looks, sorry, probably should have made that more clear the first time.

            • المنطقة عكف عفريتOP
              15 months ago

              I see. Sorry on my end as well. I think it’s thick-headed of me to assume everyone else is at fault for misunderstanding it, when instead it may have just come off like that.

              Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.