I’m really enjoying lemmy. I think we’ve got some growing pains in UI/UX and we’re missing some key features (like community migration and actual redundancy). But how are we going to collectively pay for this? I saw an (unverified) post that Reddit received 400M dollars from ads last year. Lemmy isn’t going to be free. Can someone with actual server experience chime in with some back of the napkin math on how expensive it would be if everyone migrated from Reddit?

  • @Barbarian
    141 year ago

    Whenever he figures out donations that is :))

    I don’t know what kinda person happens to have a massive server cluster sitting around waiting to go, but @TheDude is the dude, and the dude abides.

    • @Frz
      51 year ago

      Hello fellow sh.it user! Yeah, TheDude is amazing and the server hardware stats are absolutely insane (considering it’s all hosted by a guy who does it as an hobby). Kudos to him and I’m proud to be part of this home instance.

    • @TheRealLinga
      31 year ago

      Seriously, from what I’ve been seeing, that guy is my savior