• @xmunk
    14 months ago

    What about the continued oil and gas subsidies? What about continuing to subsidize EVs instead of focusing on public transit and, his personal favorite, trains.

    Biden is moving us more significantly in the right direction than Trump, Obama or Bush… but, as a famous climate activate famously says, “we gotta go fast”.

    • mozzOP
      4 months ago

      Okay, so you meant:

      Way better than any president for the last 24 years but that’s not enough.

      Still better than Trump.

      Way better than any president for the last 24 years but that’s not enough.

      If that’s what you’re actually saying, I can agree with that.

      (To put quantitative numbers to it BTW, the hope is a 40% reduction in US emissions by 2030. That’s way too little way too late, but blaming that aspect of it on Biden specifically, when he was able to pass the climate bill in the current we’ll-fight-you-if-you-even-say-it’s-real political climate, seems unfair. As does shifting the conversation away from “how much is this gonna do” and towards “does this involve giving money to oil companies.”)

      • @xmunk
        14 months ago

        Pretty much - Biden is doing better than any other president but we need a much more aggressive climate action change. Every other president has gotten an F on climate change. Biden eeked out a C- that’s better but not good.

        • mozzOP
          4 months ago

          Well… if the United States as a whole is hell-bent on climate destruction and in total denial that the whole thing is even a priority in the first place, and bringing Biden into the equation suddenly brought the result output up to a C-, what does that mean Biden’s contribution to the average is?

          I’m not trying to say to take a break on forward progress or give him any kind of undeserved credit. But it seems very weird to pick out the one guy out of the whole in-power class who produced a detectable step forward, and then try to say that because the step wasn’t big enough that means he’s a big problem.

          • @xmunk
            14 months ago

            You misunderstand, I’m not picking on the one guy. I protested Bush and Obama’s mishandling of climate change and would have done the same for Trump and Biden if I was still in the states. Biden is the best of those four but still not good enough - and there are politicians he could tap to make more effective changes.

            • mozzOP
              4 months ago

              You misunderstand, I’m not picking on the one guy.

              Just saying he sucks? Because he only made 40% progress with almost the entire rest of the system rigged against him?

              I mean, if you want to walk it back to “he made some progress but it’s very small in comparison to the scale of the problem and we need more,” then like I say, I can definitely agree with that statement. But I’m not feeling like I misunderstood anything of what you said initially. I just think it wasn’t at all the same as these more recent more reasonable statements.

              • @xmunk
                14 months ago

                Ooh, I’m not that dude, my first comment in this thread was the third one - I think that was the source of confusion.

                • mozzOP
                  4 months ago


                  Makes perfect sense. I committed a rookie mistake. Almost everything you actually said, I more or less agree with. (Although, the infrastructure bill has the largest investment in public transit in America’s history; it just was in there as opposed to the climate bill.) But yeah most of my real irritation was directed at the first guy.