I met a girl that I’m interested in and enjoys comics like I do, would something like asking her out to a comic store be dumb? I have a hard time talking to girls so not sure if this would be a dumb idea.

  • otp
    1 year ago

    Lol nobody is friendzoning me.

    I have lots of women in my life, and a common thing they share is that they often have to find a way to bring up their boyfriend/fiancé/husband (who occasionally doesn’t actually exist in some cases) ASAP whenever they meet a new man who wants to “hang out” because so many men don’t make their intentions clear. A younger woman might not know to do that, or might not assume OP’s intentions one way or the other.

    My point is just that if OP wants a relationship and would be unhappy with “just friendship”, he should make it clear that he’s interested in a date.

    If he’s okay with “friendship, and if a relationship happens great, if not, I’m perfectly fine with just friendship!”, then you’re absolutely right that just a “hangout” is the way to go.

      • otp
        1 year ago

        Lol I’m married…must be because I live in Canada where all the girlfriends live. I also went to “the other school, you haven’t heard of it”! Lmao

        I think you’re mistaken that adding the word “date” when asking someone out would be inherently negative. Definitely not insecure – asking for what you want and being able to take “no” for an answer is a sign of strong emotional maturity.

        I would argue that wanting a date and not making it clear when asking is inconsiderate of the woman’s feelings. If she wants a friendship and not a relationship, but he only wants a relationship…but he makes it seem like he wants friendship…that feels almost deceptive.

        Again, it really comes down to what OP wants and doesn’t want, and is/isn’t okay with.

          • otp
            1 year ago

            I didn’t come here to discuss you. And I’m done discussing you.

            You might want to re-read your last couple of comments in this chain then, where you were (I guess) trying to take jabs at me to make your point seem stronger, or something? Lol