I like the fact a lot that the image is hosted at imgflip
Convenient service for converting video to gif
I don’t care about that, but its an image of a flipping person…
But also an image of her getting flipped.
This is what motivational posters would look like in hogwarts. Hang in there muggle.
Is this real? How did she not fall off
But seriously it’s because she manipulates her body in order to keep her hips and torso on top of the bridge. She’s not just ragdolling. The bridge kinda pushes her back toward the middle too.
It’s like a Japanese show that was shown on TV. This show had a similar challenge. The player stepped onto a rickety rope bridge, but was prevented from reaching the end by two guys standing on the ground below, who were shooting soccer balls at him. The bridge swayed a lot, it was difficult to stand and there were many funny moments. A safety net was stretched under the bridge.
Takeshi’s castle
Right you are, Ken.
Yeah! It was cooler than many similar shows that came later.
There’s a reboot out now. Brand new.
How does she flip so rapidly? Does her skirt get caught between the rungs on the downturn?
That’s right no matter how bad life just doesn’t let you go fall. It grinds you till you are literally and figuratively dust but still it doesn’t let you go.
What if you decide to let go yourself
I am debating that myself.
I haven’t figured out where’s the menu key guys plz help a noob
Best of luck, friend. I’d set up a will first if you have people you care about. I keep putting it off.
Source 2 ragdoll are so real.
Is this from the show So You Think You Can Break an Ankle?
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