• sharpiemarker
    1 year ago

    The catch is that they’re Seagate drives. Seagate have some of worst reliability in the industry and you’re buying it secondhand from eBay.

    Personally I’d rather just set my money on fire.

    • @SailorMossOP
      1 year ago

      That’s a good point. According to BackBlaze’s Q1 2023 report Seagate drives have a 2.28% annualized failure rate. Which is quite a bit higher than the next closest comparison HGST which has a 1.1% afr.

      That risk seems worth it to me at this level of discount.

      • sharpiemarker
        41 year ago

        Hey at that price it’s at least not a huge loss if they only last a few years. Best not to keep anything you can’t replace on them anyway.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    34k customers and a 100% positive approval rating? Not one person in all those customers was even neutral about their purchase? Super fishy. That seems not possible. I’m guessing this is a total scam just from that.

    Edit: after scrolling this sellers feedback it all looks legit. That’s just so rare to have 100% with that many reviews.

    • @Bread
      41 year ago

      I mean, if I was selling new hardware for that cheap too, I would probably have a high approval rating.

  • DrNeurohax
    71 year ago

    I looked into this before with a similar deal by a 3rd party seller on Amazon. The enterprise drives (I was looking at those EXOS drives, too) must be sold by the manufacturer certified reseller or you run the chance of getting zero warranty. That being said, I’ve seen plenty of conflicting stories by people that bought them and needed to submit an RMA. I’d say it was a 60/40 split of honoring the warranty to not honoring it.

    Long story short, it’s a gamble. They’re likely good drives, but you’re rolling the dice if something goes wrong with them.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    Definitely check the SMART status for uptime when you receive them. Make sure you can return it before you buy it as well

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    Ive had plenty good and plenty bad with seagate. Just for the sake of finding other drives here is a decent site ive used in the past… Diskprices

    Also serverpartdeals

    Both seem to have similar seagate drives around same pricing renewed so be curious of the drive is actually new.

  • @Bread
    1 year ago

    Seems too good to be true, I bought 12 of them refurbished for around that price. EBay has the money back guaranteed, so if you are willing to try it with the chance with it, it could be a great deal. Your call though.

    • @SailorMossOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve went ahead and ordered 3. I’ll try to remember to post here if I have any issues.

      • @Bread
        31 year ago

        Probably a little late now, but make sure you use a service that works with the guarantee like a credit card. I don’t think it works with PayPal but don’t quote me on that.

        • @SailorMossOP
          1 year ago

          Thanks for the response. I used PayPal for the purchase. I could still probably cancel the purchase for the next little bit if needed. I know its pretty easy to contest an order with PayPal as a last resort. Link to paypal’s dispute policy

          I’m also posting this so that others looking for a deal on prime day can see it and the community can critically examine the listing. So it may be useful for others.

          • @Bread
            21 year ago

            Was PayPal the only option to buy it?

            • @SailorMossOP
              11 year ago

              I realized I probably should have added more context so I’ve edited the above post a soon as I posted.

              It looks like the seller also accepts Apple Pay and credit card.

  • @DevoidWisdom
    21 year ago

    I’m in the market for a drive for my new proxmox server and not opposed to being a guineapig.

    • @SailorMossOP
      211 months ago

      That’s pretty good, but that drive is refurbished.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Oh sorry I didn’t realize the ebay post was for a new drive. I just automatically assumed ebay was used/refurbished as well. My bad this doesn’t compare as I was expecting.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I bought four of those drives from SPD to put in my NAS. After testing and burn in, one of them started failing tests. SPD had me send the failing drive in and they sent me a new one. Otherwise these have been great so far.

      Editing this 10 days later, having two more drives fail SMART tests after a sudden sharp increase in offline uncorrectable sectors. I’m trying to go through the RMA process now. I can no longer recommend this unless you’re okay playing the RMA game until you get reliable drives. Backblaze tested the exact Seagate drives I’m using and only had a 0.60% annual failure rate. The fact that I’m seeing 3 out of 4 drives I’ve bought showing signs of failure makes me think something is wrong with the ones they’re selling.