• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Reminder: The only reason American right wingers go all in on Israel is because their imaginary sky dictator, supply-side-Jeebus, needs the Jewish imaginary sky dictator’s followers to be standing in a specific spot, presumably not while hopping on one foot singing “I’m a little tea pot,” for the world to end. But you know… in a good way somehow.

    Real people dying to satisfy the super serious fanfics of zealots pandering to their own delusions.

  • @Klicnik
    397 months ago

    So not supporting genocide is antisemitism?

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          The only literal nazis I’ve ever seen are all right wing nut jobs. The only time I’ve ever heard the antisemitic tropes about Jews owning banks and space lasers and shit is from right wing nut jobs.

          I’ve only heard left wing nut jobs say things like ‘palestine has the right to exist’ and ‘the Israeli government is comitting [genocide|ethnic cleansing] in palestine.’ But I’ve not heard anything actually antisemitic.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            That’s because it’s 110% a bad-faith argument. They couldn’t care less about anti-semitism in the sense of disliking Jewish people (as you pointed out), but they recognize the term as a convenient weapon to toss at anyone who might criticize Israel.

            It’s a weird bit of mental gymnastics.

        • SirStumps
          -77 months ago

          If another nation came into my nations city and launched missiles, raped and captured women and children, and killed thousands I would hope my nation wouldn’t take that lying down. On top of that they use the citizens as human shields? Yes innocent Palestinians are dying but so did innocent Israelites. This isn’t a war that is easily understood because the enemy disguises themselves as normal people and uses their fellow country man as their shield.

      • SirStumps
        -157 months ago

        I’ve met more far left antisemitic peoples recently literally saying stuff Nazis would have said than any right winger

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      It’s absolutely not, but there has been a lot of antisemitism when speaking about the conflict regardless.

      • @Klicnik
        147 months ago

        Yes, it is, but there was not a single reference to college in that entire video. Do you think all of the people there were college graduates that were turned antisemetic in college?

        • SirStumps
          7 months ago

          You didn’t say anything about college yourself. So I made a reference to that.

            • SirStumps
              17 months ago

              I don’t think it. I know it. I understand if your leftist and don’t align with these people specifically but don’t deny that there are leftists with this mind frame out there.

  • @[email protected]
    197 months ago

    It’s funny that all these right wing chucklefucks that say stupid shit like college makes you woke/left/etc have never been to college.

    The right is so frightened about critical thinking and intimidated by knowledge. What an awful way to live.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Plenty of ‘em have, but they dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back for not getting indoctrinated. Yet another way to soothe the burning self-hatred by pretending to be stronger-willed than others.

  • @pomodoro_longbreak
    197 months ago

    antisemitic communist

    Probable translation: learned about how democracies work, and the history of Palestine.

  • @[email protected]
    177 months ago

    I thought the left wing was under the control of the Jews. Is George Soros not a popular boogeyman any more?

    • ZILtoid1991
      16 months ago

      They found the ultimate way to deflect antisemitic accusations: they want to deport the Jews to Israel.

    • chaogomu
      137 months ago

      I don’t think there is one beyond the rightwing “education bad” nonsense.

      • admiralteal
        57 months ago

        The thing is, no one on the right has any understanding of words like “antisemitic” or “communist”. To them, they’re no different than saying “dickhead” or “asshole” to someone on the right. No specific meaning, just pejoratives.

        And would the punchline work if it were “A dickhead asshole”? Nope.

        It’s not even funny in the framework of a right-wing meme.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    Islam (the religion) has acquired a strange immunity from all criticism, likely due to the very savvy and sneaky way the term islamophobia has been (very dishonestly) cross-linked to both the people and the religion. Ergo, any criticism of the religion becomes de facto bigotry against the people.

    Problem is, if a religion requires immunity from criticism, that religion has no right to exist.

    Just look at how George Carlin roasted Christianity. Now try doing that with Islam. You’d become instantly unemployable in the western world, your agent’s firm would likely go bankrupt, and even the venue owner would likely have to undergo a complete multi-million-dollar rebranding to escape the fallout.

    And that’s assuming you wouldn’t be shot dead during your skit by someone in the audience.

    I am very far left, deeply socialist to borderline communist. But something has gone deeply wrong with the left when Islam cannot be criticized whatsoever.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Do we not mock Islam because it’s immune to criticism, or is it just because we know very little about it? Carlin roasted the religion, and its inconsistencies and hypocrises. He could do that because we’re all intimately familiar with it, even atheists. I don’t recall that he advocated bigotry against individual Christians.

      Could one do a stand-up routine about “Hanafis be like this, while Sanafi’is be like that”? Probably. Nobody’d understand it, though. Personally, most of the criticism of Islam I’ve heard is more like, “Muslims are all murderers because the Qu’ran says to kill non-believers, so let’s ban them.” On the other hand, I have heard some criticism of the way that mosques here still have separate, lesser entrances for women, and that didn’t get anybody’s employment threatened.

    • @[email protected]
      -17 months ago

      The fuck you talking about? This is about Israel vs Hamas. We’re not here just dunking on religion. Go find an atheist board.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    If you point to a man and say, “He hates Jews.”

    There is zero doubt in my mind that he’s a hardcore right-winger. Zero doubt.

  • @ArbitraryValue
    27 months ago

    It’s not totally unfunny but more than a little predictable - it would be better if the punchline was a person’s name, but while there were plenty of antisemitic communists, i can’t think of anyone famous for being both antisemitic and a communist.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      It is totally unfunny. There’s no setup, just a cheap shot riding a right wing culture war talking point.