• HuddaBudda
    206 months ago

    It was a pretty sad day watching those two testify about the death threats they received because they passed a tic tac.

    $148 million is a nice ending to that story.

    • @Zipitydew
      166 months ago

      Unfortunately it’s just a tease. Rudy is broke. They’ll never see this money.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Liquidate his estate, sell off all his assets and drain all his accounts. Any money he makes or gets access to can go to paying the remaining balance. He can keep enough money to be at the federal poverty line. Pissed that Alex Jones gets 100k a month while “bankrupt”. Fuck that shit, you were horrible, and you have no right to live a cush life with the money you made from taking away peace and closure from others.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Indeed. Based on Forbes’ reporting from earlier this years he has, or had, a net worth of around $80 million. He has an apartment currently listed for sale at around $6 million. He also owns another 12 apartments in NY, 2 mansions in TX, 2 penthouses in Manhattan, and 950 acres of Farmland in Ohio. The courts should leave him a quarter acre in Ohio to live on and liquidate all the rest or just give it to these women as part of their award. If there’s no house on the Ohio farmland, the court can just arrange to have a single-wide mobile home dropped there for him to live in.

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              I believe that they are not allowed to take his “home” in this kind of scenario. That’s why I was thinking that a mobile home on a tiny piece of land should be the bit left to him. If they can arrange that it’s also polluted from that railway disaster back in February, so much the better.

              If he spends the rest of his days in prison, great. But if I’m right and they have to leave him a home, then I like my plan.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        I can’t speak for them, but ruining his remaining life as punishment for ruining theirs seems just.

  • @LetterboxPancake
    96 months ago

    That’s like… a lot. I bet he’s sweating black sweat from his forehead right now.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    26 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The decision comes at the end of a week-long federal civil trial in Washington D.C., where an eight-person jury heard from the workers — Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman — about how 2020 election conspiracies spread by Giuliani and former President Donald Trump turned their lives upside down.

    Jurors heard numerous violent and racist voicemails the women received, after Giuliani used his massive platform as a campaign attorney for Trump to spread lies about their actions as election workers in Georgia.

    It’s not the only legal trouble for Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor and two-term New York City mayor, related to his efforts to subvert Georgia’s 2020 election.

    Freeman broke down crying Wednesday as she described leaving her home after receiving a warning from the FBI that her life could be at risk.

    I hope the federal government hangs you and your daughter from the Capitol dome," said one message Freeman received at the time.

    “Mr. Sibley has a hard job,” said Judge Howell at one point, after it came out that Giuliani had continued to lie about the women while talking to reporters on the courthouse steps earlier in the week.

    The original article contains 688 words, the summary contains 195 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!