Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17

  • starman2112
    1 year ago

    Less “downhill” and more “dropped into a sinkhole straight to the pits of hell,” but Creepshow Art. I thought she was really fun to listen to, and it was interesting hearing tea spilling from a community I’m not privy to. At some point she opened up about a stalker who’d been following her for years, harassing her constantly, trying to get her fired from her job by sending compromising photos from her past to her boss, threatening her life… And then it turns out she was the stalker, and the victim was Emily Artful! She was the psychopath threatening someone’s life and trying to get them fired and shit! And I was planning on donating to her patreon!