• fiat_lux
    281 year ago

    Bless you, Oliver. I’d much rather find a teabag in my shoe, you’re doing excellently.

  • TheSaneWriter
    201 year ago

    He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit. I love when cats have personality quirks like this, makes them more interesting.

  • Ivan
    131 year ago

    I imagined Oliver saying: pardon me, you have some bisquets around here, 'innit?

  • @airdig_one
    81 year ago

    I had a cat once that brought home a barbecued sausage. It was still warm….I’m convinced he stole it off someone’s backyard grill when they weren’t looking. He was a VERY food motivated kitty - former stray who would bolt any food you put in front of him, no matter how recently he’d been fed.

    He was also a typical orange cat (one brain cell). Had a call one time from someone a few streets over who begged me to come get him, as he was pawing at her closed glass sliding door, convinced that it was his house. Fortunately she could read his tag with my phone number through the glass (she was allergic to cats). When I went to pick him up, he thought I was taking him away from HIS house, so he was not happy….until he got to his real home, then he trotted happily inside. Sigh, I still miss him and he’s been gone for years.

    • FacelikeapotatoOP
      31 year ago

      What an adorable doofus. I had a cat years ago that was much the same with food. She once lunged at and ate raw onion because she was convinced I was keeping her from a tasty treat. The look on her face!

  • ultratiem
    71 year ago

    What are you talking about? That’s a massive mouse if I’ve ever seen one! Great catch!

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    One of mine brings leaves of some kind of water lilies from a neighbor we neither see from our house nor know. As the cats have (save) collars with our phone number on it, i half expect to get an angry call or visit sometime soon. Oh well. :D

  • @Lepsea
    41 year ago

    That cat is teabagging you