I keep missing the vote buttons and accidentally tap on comments which then collapses them. I’ve accidentally collapsed/expanded some comments several times trying to vote.

Is there a setting somewhere I’m not seeing that changes this? Maybe to a long press or force needing to use the three dot menu to collapse instead.

  • @[email protected]
    166 months ago

    The tapping areas are, weirdly, super precise and not very intuitive or well explained. I would have gotten used to it but as a new user this was incredibly frustrating.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        I can try, but only to say the tapping behaviour wasn’t intuitive. Depending where you tapped the comments would either collapse and expand or the vote controls would disappear. The tapping difference seemed, at first, quite similar (as in the tap area and sensitivity was really close and extremely high) so I had a hard time understanding what I was doing to cause these behaviours. What confused me more was that the behaviour between the home page and a thread didn’t seem consistent at first which made it harder to understand.

        Like I said I’m used to it now but it took me a while to get there where as I was expecting something like the following:

        • Tap on a minus symbol to collapse.
        • Minus symbol turns into a plus symbol to expand.
        • Why do the vote controls need to disappear at all?
        • MV (Jerboa dev)
          46 months ago

          Bottom bar collapse exists the other way, some users prefer to not see the bar by default and then you can hold to show the bar.

          I definitely wanted to make, tap/hold actions fully configureable. It’s somewhere on the backlog, I’ll create an issue if it doesn’t have it already.

  • @thetreesaysbark
    126 months ago

    I liked click and hold to collapse (Reddit app style when I left Reddit)

    I don’t understand click once to collapse and click and hold to hide the voting bar. Why is hiding the voting bar a thing?

    • MV (Jerboa dev)
      46 months ago

      It’s more the other way around, some ppl prefered, having the bar collapsed by default. And then hold to reveal it

  • @taladar
    76 months ago

    Agreed. I have never intentionally collapsed a comment but done so many times accidentally. For all I care collapsing could be removed entirely.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Collapsing a hundred replies long comment chain is much better than trying to scroll and figure out where it ends. But it could be a (tap) menu item or something as it’s not that often needed. And hiding the buttons? Maybe if you wanted to set up a screenshot or something but I don’t see a user for it otherwise.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    Enabling “show content for collapsed comments” helps as only the child comments will collapse upon tapping.

  • @[email protected]
    26 months ago

    I do actually like the tap-to-collapse feature. But instead of long-pressing on comments to get the voting bar, I’d rather right or left swipe them, similar to how BaconReader worked. The long press feels inefficient.