• @[email protected]
    1156 months ago

    And now Gen Z comes along and demands that both men and women be allowed to wear skimpy clothes

  • Jo Miran
    926 months ago

    Also, shit food and beer pretending to not be fell out of fashion. See TGI Fridays, Chili’s, Outback, etc. None of them are doing well even though they were killing it in the 90’s and 2Ks.

    • @prettybunnys
      376 months ago

      You used to be able to say you were going to hooters for the wings, it was still. fucking lie but it was plausible.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Yeah, I was gonna say the only time I’ve eaten there the food was trash, but looks like everybody in the comments agrees. Even Outback has way better food (not the steak tho, it’s bad).

  • @[email protected]
    766 months ago

    Sexualized workplaces are perfectly acceptable if basic rules of consent are followed.

    The problem with Hooters, regardless of things like the innate exploitation of capitalist systems and tip based services, is that we all know neither managers or customers were all that down with consent.

  • Zeppo
    686 months ago

    Growing up and never going there I always thought Hooters waitresses were topless. When I found out they weren’t, the whole thing actually sounded more pervy to me.

    • @[email protected]
      756 months ago

      Strip clubs seem less demeaning to me lol. Hooters is basically if you took sexual harassment in the workplace and made it your gimmick.

      • @[email protected]
        186 months ago

        I’ve been into Hooters and nobody sexually harasses the workers. I’d even dare someone touch one of the workers innapropiately… I’d like to see the beating they’d get.

        • Zeppo
          206 months ago

          The point is that it’s a restaurant based on sexually objectifying waitresses. Not that people act inappropriate. It’s that the entire thing is inappropriate.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            And a stripclub is also based on that. Should we close strip clubs? Are you the one who is going to tell strippers that they can no longer work because their job is wrong? Should we also tear down the porn industry? Even women enjoy places and activities that objectify men. Have you ever seen a bachelorette party?

            There are places for certain activities. Hooters is one of those places. Everything going on inside this place is 100% consensual.

            There’s a place in my city in which women actually touch and get touched by the male waiters. Pretty hardcore stuff… Most people agree that whatever happens in there is fine as long as people can’t see from the street.

            • Zeppo
              6 months ago

              Not sure what’s with all the hyperbolic rhetorical strawman questions. My entire point is that it would be more normal if it was a strip club instead of an almost-strip club, like I said originally. What I’m objecting to is that it’s setup like a normal restaurant. Seems kind of pointless, too. If you want to go somewhere and ogle naked women, great, just go to an actual nude club and don’t take your kids.

              • @[email protected]
                36 months ago

                I’ve never seen a kid in Hooters but if that’s the case the I’ll have to agree. Kids shouldn’t be allowed in there.

                • @[email protected]
                  36 months ago

                  Kids are allowed and I’ve seen kids as young as 7-10 in there. There isn’t an age limit. I’ve only had two experiences in a Hooters, well over a decade ago, and saw children at both. The food was marginal at best at both. Strange odds.

        • @[email protected]
          96 months ago

          It’s like some of these people on here think that you get some wings and then rape the waitress for dessert.

      • Zeppo
        126 months ago

        Yeah, pretty much it’s “let’s train people to think of waitresses as sex objects and stare at their tits”

    • @[email protected]
      306 months ago

      I remember the first time I went. A vendor took us there for a business lunch as a get-to-know-you. The other guys were excited but I had never gone before. I distinctly remember my disappointment at the buffalo chicken sandwich and thinking these cannot be wing people. The waitresses were pretty but it just seemed weird to me that they dressed like it was still the 80s (in the mid 2000s) and the environment almost seemed to promote sexual harassment. Like it was a sexual harassment training ground or something.

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      It kinda is. If old perv dudes want to see boobs, theyre at the stop club. But here, they can get a stiffy while sitting with their young children.

  • THCDenton
    336 months ago

    Its such a weird vibe. I feel less sleazy eating at a strip club.

  • Flying Squid
    296 months ago

    I’ve only been to a Hooters once. I was with a big group and they all wanted to go. Women in skimpy outfits do nothing for me (if I want to be titillated, I’ll look at porn), so I wasn’t really interested, but I went.

    I ordered a chicken breast sandwich.

    I have no idea how you ruin something as simple as a chicken breast sandwich, but they did it.

    If you can’t even cook basic food and your only draw is ‘we are a strip club except without the stripping,’ why does anyone want to go?

  • Wugmeister
    216 months ago

    The only time I ever considered going to a Hooter’s was when I was dating a lesbian. It hits different when your partner also likes boobs as much as you lol.

  • AItoothbrush
    186 months ago

    I dont understand. I thought that was the selling point of hooters. Thats like being offended by a strip club requiring you to strip while working?

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        I won’t shame the women who work there, but I will shame Hooters as a whole. Waitressing in general is a profession that puts up with a lot of BS and sexual harassment. Grin and take it. Add intentionally skimpy clothes and you’re only inviting more.

        Actual stripping, at least at a halfway decently run club, is less problematic. A customer who gets too grabby will be kicked out. Strippers are not required to put up with them.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          You just said a bunch of things that you need prove. How is Hooters worse than a stripclub? I’ve been to Hooters and stripclubs and it’s the polar opposite.

          In Hooters you have a bunch of people just eating their wings. Most people don’t even care about the waitresses, they are pretty but that’s it, nobody touches or says anything to them. If someone does, I’d expect them to get in trouble.

          Inna stripclub people are constantly breaking the rules and stripers tolerate that because the guy is probably teasing them with money. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, a guy with a 20 dollar bill showing it to a woman as an excuse to get handsy, and she let him. How is that remotely close to Hooters?

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Only when consenting adult women wear tiny clothes to deliver food. I’d like to know which Hooters had sex workers.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          We’re not shaming sex workers but we’re shaming Hooters workers? Where’s the logic in that? Let them work.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Never been to one as like the post says we don’t have them in the UK, but it kind of strikes me as the worst of both worlds. It’s themed around ogling the staff so the food isn’t the focus. But the staff don’t actually get naked or do anything erotic.

      • AItoothbrush
        16 months ago

        Idk i live in mainland europe so i dont really see american stuff

  • @[email protected]
    176 months ago

    The only problem I have with places like that is that they make me feel incredibly insecure about my own body. I’m not campaigning for a boycott or anything, but I really wish there was more diversity in the kinds of women they hired instead of reinforcing the current beauty standard by only hiring women who fit within it.

    I’ve never been to a hooters though, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about.

    • @[email protected]
      136 months ago

      CIS male, been to a hooter once or twice with work friends who insisted their hot chicken sandwiches/wings are good. I didn’t really like that style (Buffalo style hot sauce isn’t for me, as I grew up on stuff like Scotch Bonnet peppers and fin Buffalo mostly vinegary than hot or flavorful), and I’ve never felt comfortable ogling staff that has to put up with my bullshit(or lack thereof).

      It’s just an uncomfortable restaurant.

    • Flying Squid
      76 months ago

      The one Hooters I ever went to did have a large woman working there.

      She was the hostess and they kept her covered up and let the conventionally attractive women wait tables.

      I wonder if that was even legal?

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Hooters is an artifact of the 1960s‐1970s sexual revolution, before which we had very few opportunities to see bodies other than those we married or were related to. Hence we had the R-rated movie golden age in which naked boobs appeared at least once in a 90s minute run, And two or three peek-a-boo flashes of different boobs was good value. Hence the breast-count included in Joe-Bob Briggs’ drive-in cinema reviews.

    So boomers and their parents (greatests?) got way more buzz from busty, tightly-clad waitresses serving greasy food than us younguns. Even I (GenX) had pirated Playboy channel before USENET supplied me with all the human specimens I could ever want. As a young adult I didn’t get the point, and post #MeToo, with awareness that Hooters is as exploitative as the rest of the hospitality industry with wait staff, it’s just super creepy.

    So Hooters may just be going the way of the printed newspaper and the video cassette recorder. It once fulfilled a need that is better provided for, and now only has a niche audience.

  • JoYo
    166 months ago

    7% over 4 years is really fucking good?

    most restaurants dont last a year, including franchises.

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    Been a lot of increases competition in the breast-aurant scene since Hooters started. Hooters basically pioneered it but with Tilted Kilt and Twin Peaks out there offering better beer selections and food it’s kind of a no brainer where to go

  • Stern
    76 months ago

    We had a Hooters in my area but it died with the quickness. I don’t think even folks Iknew that I’d expect to go went, likely because strip clubs around here have better food lol

  • katy ✨
    56 months ago

    the only thing i know about hooters is the episode of saved by the bell the college years were they all worked at skeeters, which was so obviously just a parody of hooters without the chance of being sued

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      If the only thing you know about Hooters is from the show that wasn’t a Hooters then how do you know it was a parody?