I can’t wait to read Trump’s obituary.
He’ll surely have to be buried somewhere with a lot of security unless his family is ok with all the piss and shit that will be covering his grave.
I doubt anyone in his family gives a shit what happens to a dead body that can do nothing for them.
Actually, that gives me an idea. Maybe they’ll keep someone posted to charge people to shit/piss on his grave. That way the dead body IS doing something for them.
Maybe all the maga idiots will take it upon themselves to stand guard with all their guns. That’d be great.
Honestly, just graverob that motherfucker and desecrate the corpse as thoroughly as possible. He richly deserves it.
Waiting for Rolling Stone’s Kissingeresque headline
How has he not died yet? He gets barely any exercise and lives on McDonald’s and KFC.
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Nurgle gifted him with Disgusting Resilience after his efforts to help covid spread
He’s got to fail that 5+++ eventually!
He was president. He has better access to healthcare than 90% of us. I hate to say it but we’re probably stuck with him for at least another decade.
The good news is though that maybe he’ll actually get to rot in a cell for a while before he goes instead of skipping prison time by checking out.
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I’m not, the idiots will deify him like Augustus.
They already do. The important difference between then and now is he won’t be around to keep making up nonsense.
Yes, then it will be a whole new horrible person to deal with or an already horrible person that is around that will become more powerful.
Or they’ll split among horrible people with MAGA Group A fighting against MAGA groups B, C, and D. Their political relevance would wane, but they might get even more violent.
Imagine MTG pulling the strings of this shit show
I guarantee he is telling congressional Republicans to shut down the government so the economy takes a hit.
He doesn’t have to tell them they already try to do it every chance they get when a Democrat is the president. They sabotage the government unless they are fully in charge.
“We have an economy that is incredible,” he went on to say, reflective of last year’s strong labor market gains. “We have an economy that is so fragile. And the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did—what the Trump administration did. It’s just running off the fumes.”
“And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during these next twelve months, because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover,” he continued, referring to the president when the Great Depression hit in 1929. “The one president—I just don’t want to be Herbert Hoover.”
I think the reason he provides seems stranger than merely wishing for the economy to crash because it might improve his chances of being re-elected.
Because his ilk are too fucking incompetent to understand how the economy works. He inherited a great economy from Obama, but all his little Trumpettes say it was his doing. And when the fallout of his tax bill started hitting (combined with pandemic issues) suddenly it was all Biden’s fault.
FOX ran stats during Trump’s first weeks in office. They showed that things were great when Bush Jr. and Donnie were just starting out and that things were terrible when Obama and Clinton were just beginning.
he wants to be written into history as a “good president” or whatever. i don’t think that’s possible.
Thank goodness Biden is the only person who would be hurt. No biggie.
“I want to hurt everyone so then they’ll vote for me.”
Worst part is, his followers are completely onboard.
His followers: Yeah let’s hurt all of them!
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“Why have the democrats done this to me”
Die already you rancid fat fuck.
I like the phrase “Lou Dobbs on Lindell TV” I wish people this far out of the mainstream on the left had as much influence as these gas pump tv level right-wing guys do.
I long for the day “Trump says” is no longer newsworthy.
I long for the day when someone mentions Trump and I respond: “Oh yeah. That guy. Last I heard he was sent to prison. That was years ago. Anyway, changes subject away from Trump…”
My only affect towards Trump right now is not caring and if he went to prison it probably wouldn’t register emotionally in any way. It’s like I’m already bored of him going to prison before it happens. The internet has memed every lame “Trump in prison” joke into the ground for years, and the idea of him going to prison has been kept on edge since 2016. There’s nothing to say about Trump that hasn’t been said and no joke about him that hasn’t been overdone to the point it’s cringe. Every “make fun of Trump” post is the exact same thing for years, and when I see a pic of Trump my brain basically treats it like it’s an advertisement or spam.
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It’s more like how Trump being in jail or not won’t affect the overall political situation in the US. It’s like the years of fixating on a potential mugshot of Trump as some magic spell that will finally break his support, they’d finally see him as the criminal he is and poof no more Trump. Then it finally happened and here we are.
Yeah, I’m so sick and tired of this fuckface
“We have an economy that is incredible,” he went on to say, reflective of last year’s strong labor market gains. “We have an economy that is so fragile. And the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did—what the Trump administration did. It’s just running off the fumes.”
“And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during these next twelve months, because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover,” he continued, referring to the president when the Great Depression hit in 1929. “The one president—I just don’t want to be Herbert Hoover.”
i hate donald trump, but i think i hate clickbait headlines which distort what was being said even more. it’s a problem that i don’t see an end to.
It’s still 80% accurate. He’s still saying he hopes for a collapse for the sake of his legacy to somehow prove himself a hero and preserve a legacy.
he’s saying that there will be a collapse and that it won’t be his fault and that he hopes it happens before he becomes president because it would make him look bad. I think he’s obviously full of shit, but the headlines should at least not misrepresent what he’s saying. it’s bad journalism and it’s harmful. it’s fuel for Trump supporters who want to think that the other side are idiots and that the news is corrupt.
Well said, Mr. Nutsack.
thank you steven
80% is pretty generous considering nowhere in the quote does he wants a crash, he’s just predicting one and hopes the timing is good for his legacy.
And considering the title is claiming he is saying he “wants” it to crash, it’s categorically false.
Trump is trash, but we shouldn’t be defending trash headlines like this.
indeed the orange landlord said a normal thing
Thank you. I came here to say the same thing. He isn’t saying “I want the economy to crash” he’s saying “the economy is going to crash and I hope it happens before I become President again because it would be nice if Biden looked bad instead of me”.
He’s an asshole and a grifter. If truly believes that an economic crash is inevitable, though, I can fully understand why he would hope that it will crash during the current term rather than the next term.
I mean yes, that’s the position of all Republicans
And it has been for decades.
He’s very good at saying the quiet part out loud.
That’s the sign of a real leader who cares about his country before himself
Dude’s subtle as a heart attack, but it isn’t exactly news that market downturns pair well with incumbents losing their jobs.
I’m sure he’s also hoping and praying for a big hurricane, a new wave of police-protests, another big supply shock to grocery stories, and maybe a pandemic or two to round things out. But when he’s got substantially less control over that shit now than he did four years ago, its a moot point.
Biden will keep the bubble economy inflated until after November. The police have been comically overstuffed to discourage any kind of public protests. We’re simply not going to cover the COVID spike, so you can all just fuck off and die in obscurity. And if he does half as well as Obama did after Hurricane Sandy, a big storm will do him more good than harm. Particularly if it fucks over Texas or Florida, forcing those governors to come to him hat-in-hand like Christie did back in '14.
What Trump really needs to bank on is that the GOP establishment in the swing red states back him like Jeb backed George in '00. And that’s going to be a harder sell in '24, simply because so many of those same governors are going to be resentful of him in the wake of the primaries.
Headline is actually, “wants Americans to fail, starve and die so they are more desperate/vulnerable, to his benefit”
Giancarlo Esposito.jpg
I want the economy to crash because a good economy doesn’t even help the average person. Only the rich corporate elites. And I want them to burn.
We are not the same.
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