The federal government says it carried out ‘compliance promotion activities’ with some restaurants that use wood-fired ovens to determine if they meet emission reporting thresholds under the National Pollutant Release Inventory program.
This seems like such a waste of time . How many wood burning ovens are in restaurants in Canada ? I would make such a small difference compared to any large factory in Canada .
The bigger waste of time is why this is even news. Restaurants are regulated, you can’t just ignore them and only focus on the bigger picture. That’s like some guy getting pulled over for doing 50 in a 35 and complaining the cops should be catching ‘real criminals’ instead.
I’m so sick of this witch hunt on wood burning…
People are driving massive SUVs around 365 days a year. I dont even own a car, but if i want to have a camp fire, or burn a few logs in the fireplace a few times a year i’m labelled as some kind menace to the earth
I mean … tea spoon out of the ocean mate. So many other more impactful things to do.
This is the kind of stuff that sabotages real action on climate change: it gives the right fuel to discredit meaningful change, it makes regulators look curtain-twitchers, and it takes the heat off polluters that emit tonnes to grams that come out of your average pizza oven.
You have to wonder if this is media bread-and-circuses bullshit to take the heat off big polluters?
They might want to look into new pipelines, this might be a bit more impactful.
You know what would be a better use of government time? Tax the fucking rich!
40 million acres up in smoke this spring, 5% of all forest cover in Canada, and they’re worried about a cord of wood a year burned to make food.
My fucking god.
There probably should be a carveout for that.