• @[email protected]
    1085 months ago

    The thing I love about religion is that there are thousands of them, yet yours is the correct one? Those are pretty low odds.

    • @[email protected]OP
      155 months ago

      Yeah… “thousands of them” is overexaggerated. That being said, there have been a lot of faiths, myths, and mysticism throughout human history..

      Here’s an interesting timeline of belief systems.

      I grew up Mormon and had a hard time believing that we were the “true church,” “taught the true teachings.,” etc., when I learned about how many different current and old religions and beliefs people had throughout human history. Cracks started to form in my faith foundation then. The following thoughts throw me for a loop back then. Exibit A. Exibit B. Exibit C.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        There are over 40,000 sects of christianity last I knew. I’m going to say thousands isn’t an overexageration. I won’t consider religions the same if they have different beliefs.

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          Part of it is probably what determines what counts as “a religion.” My mind went to indigenous groups in the Americas, Australia, and Africa - thousands seems appropriate there!

          Historically, religions as practiced on the ground were very syncretistic - like in the late medieval Muslim world, a Christian might carry a verse from the Koran as a charm or Muslim might visit a rabbi. Not to say that there wasn’t religious persecution and attempts by religious authorities to make sure that everyone was following the rules, but the species of religious fundamentalism we see today is a product of the 19th century and widespread literacy.

          Even within a modern Protestant church of a specific denomination, there’s probably a mix of people who are universalists, into spiritualism, etc.

          I don’t really think religions can be considered discrete in a way that one could report “there are X religions in the world.”

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        That timeline leaves off The Babis, The Baha’is, The Mormons, and tons of fracturing among Christians and Muslims, that I am aware of.

        It also ignores Shintoism, Daoism, and the other far eastern belief systems.

        Also I am intentionally not counting Scientology, because that was a bet.

        • @[email protected]OP
          35 months ago

          I wasn’t able to find Babi, but did find Bahai and Mormon in the tree. I don’t have the time right now to try to find the others, but I’m going to guess that they’re in there or didn’t make the cut when making the tree.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Do you happen to know where a higher resolution version of this image is?

        I am not very knowledgeable about religion but that chart buckets European Animism as one “Religion” while I think it was not organized and refers to the disparate beliefs of folks in the area at the time, so one could argue that there were lots of version I think.

        Regardless really fascinating info.

    • prole
      135 months ago

      This is why Pascal’s Wager is bullshit. Well one reason why.

  • @[email protected]
    465 months ago

    We protect them with a piece of paper that says no guns please. The thoughts and prayers come later.

    • @[email protected]
      175 months ago

      Yeah come on. You don’t get thoughts and/or prayers until after you’re dead. You think they’re just handing these things out? You gotta earn it!

    • EinatYahav
      05 months ago

      I object to the piece of paper. Publicly funded schools shouldn’t be using tax payer funded paper/printers to discriminate against student’s second amendment rights. SCOTUS will fast track my lawsuit as soon as you give me a school name.

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      It’s so ridiculous! I too have thoughts and prayers. Thoughts that one day we’ll follow the examples of more civilized and developed countries - ones that truly care about the safety and well-being of their citizens - by supporting social policies like universal healthcare, publicly-funded education and reparations for historically marginalized communities. And I pray that we one day find the courage to meticulously seek out and destroy every gun owned by an American civilian (with exceptions for heavily regulated licenses for hunting and sport, like with tractors or race cars).

      A man can dream…

  • @[email protected]
    255 months ago

    If only they would use ACTUAL thoughts! Sure and actual prayers too, as in the kind that require you to stand the fuck up and do something, instead of asking to be given all the credit as if they had. e.g., you just paid off my college tuition? THANK YOU! Oh wait, you only offered me your thoughts and prayers about my potentially lifelong crippling debt situation. Nvm, you may fuck all the way off now!:-(

    • prole
      75 months ago

      As someone who grew up in an Evangelical church, I’ve never in my life seen the kind of prayers that “require you to stand the fuck up and do something.”

      Not once.

      • @agamemnonymous
        45 months ago

        The Serenity Prayer I think perfectly encapsulates what prayer should be:

        God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        More’s the pity:-|. Jesus did stuff, reportedly, so those who claim to be “His followers” choose to do the opposite. Jesus Himself would be rejected out of nearly all churches in America today.:-(

        Even so, churches on the whole still used to serve a useful societal role - lessening rates of theft & murder, fostering community ties with irl people, helping the disenfranchised (feeding homeless, aiding widows & orphans, job-training services, etc.) - but especially after overturning Roe v. Wade I think the public perception has shifted. Now we see more clearly than ever before how the people in those churches are killing innocents, by converting average people into single-issue voters who will vote for the likes of Donald Trump or George Santos so long as they just do that ONE thing that the religious higher-ups want. Forget how climate change is going to radically transform our world - and in the process kill millions - and similarly automation and globalization are making slaves of us all, desperate to hold onto a job that pays increasingly less and less dividends plus may kick you to the curb no matter what you do.

        Fwiw, I even say this as a Christian myself: I do not stand with those who call themselves by that name yet condone genocide, even cause it themselves, and ignore the plight of the innocents who suffer (e.g. Ukraine). I am also a patriot (by the technical, acurate definition) but do not want to call myself that either, especially after January 6. So I guess I am a “godless heathen” now, who “hates my country”, or whatever it is that they say about me? Or else NOT THAT, and they can fuck all the way off, as they destroy themselves and yet in the process take us all down with them.:-(

        • prole
          15 months ago

          deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      The true power of Facebook can finally be realized!

      1 Like = 1 Prayer = 1 less illegal immigrant stealing our jobs/raping our women/dealing drugs/etc

  • @[email protected]
    185 months ago

    I think the right is pretty consistent on this.

    They want more guns in schools AND at the border.

  • @[email protected]
    165 months ago

    Prob just drunk but this hits home. I have some dumbass people I care about who boast about the gun freedoms of Texas while having children that are the same age as the children in the Uvalde shooting.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Note that while their kids are the same age–they weren’t there for the shooting. As always, no fucks shall be given until it’s affected them personally. Even then–only as few as necessary are allotted to cover themselves and their inner circle.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        Guess who Uvalde voted in during the gubnatorial race in 2022? Fucking Greg “It Could Have Been Worse” Abbott

        It doesn’t even matter if you WERE there for the shooting. I was honestly baffled that he took that county. The majority of adults in that community really came together and went “Yup. Abbott is clearly working!” Ugh.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Abbott didn’t order them to sit and wait. From what I’ve read it was the local people, sheriff or whoever, that was in charge on scene keeping them back until a couple CBP agents had enough and went in.

          I think he resigned, so they can’t vote him out.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            Oh, I’m aware Greg Abbotts office didn’t call down to Uvalde and be like “Stand down lmao, don’t go in there. Wait it out.”

            His response was gross. He was callous. And he’s since refused to acknowledge that cracking down on guns in his state may be necessary.

            I expected him to win because this state is back asswards, I just didn’t expect him to win that particular county.

  • MxM111
    95 months ago

    Don’t give them ideas. They will arm the students next.

    • They tried to arm teachers. And they put cops in the hallways. I love the idea of this, but it’s wildly tone deaf. In any case, “thoughts and prayers” is closer to what’s needed - smaller class sizes and better mental health support - than whatever this guy thinks is the solution.

      Like I said: I agree with what he’s trying to say, but it’s extremely poorly thought through and said.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        It’s meant to be sarcastic. Thoughts and prayers are worthless because God doesn’t care if us humans exterminate each other. They’re saying that since we aren’t doing anything about school shootings, maybe we should also do nothing about the fake border crisis.

  • @[email protected]
    -65 months ago

    The right suggests guns to protect schools (guards, teachers, parents) from shooters. Is it the left that wants thoughts and prayers?

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      The guns are always there, the guns were plentiful in Uvalde, pissing their little baby clips like cowards because “capital protecting” violence is the long arm of the limp dick.

      Leftists are not anti gun. They just prefer the guns not pointed at a family of four trying to cross the border, not pointed at gay or trans loved ones, not pointed at someone stealing food while intimately oil massaging the back of wage theft