• Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    265 months ago

    What if Andorians see different wavelengths of light, and the closest word the universal translator can find is “pink.”

    Maybe “pink” means “warm” in Andorian.

  • IninewCrow
    135 months ago

    It makes you wonder about the colored aliens in the Star Trek universe.

    Are there different shades of Andorians and their blue skin and white hair?

    Are there different shades of Orions and their green skin?

    There is a weird mentality when we imagine an alien species from another world and think that they all look uniformly the same across billions of individuals on their home planet.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      5 months ago

      I remember the bitching and moaning when Tim Russ got cast as Tuvok because “Vulcans aren’t black.” As if the handful of Vulcans ever shown by that point represented the entire species.

      Edit: Also, Vulcan has a huge red sun. Dark-skinned Vulcans actually make more sense.

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        Tim Russ isn’t Vulcan because he’s a human pirate (see: Starship Mine). Wait maybe he’s a Klingon Trill trafficker (See: Invasive Procedures).

        • IninewCrow
          165 months ago

          I thought he was still looking for his identity because he …

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        There were other black Vulcans shown on-screen (as background characters) before Tuvok:

        • Star Trek III had a Vulcan midwife played by Fran Bennett

        • Star Trek V had a Vulcan High Priestess played by Beverly Hart

      • @mindbleach
        25 months ago

        Alien similarity to humans is always weird. In live-action we take it for granted because, well, most actors are human. But there’s species where blue is an option. Do Vulcans come in blue? Humans sure don’t.

        I caught hell for pointing this out with that Justice League cover that’s the whole team face-to-face with their alternate-universe counterparts. Our Superman looks like he has European ancestry… but Krypton doesn’t have a Europe. Their Superman looks like he has African ancestry… but Krypton doesn’t have an Africa, either. It’s a coincidence of cosmic proportions for even one of them to pass for human. Two is twice as unlikely! Is all of alternate Krypton different? Is Krypton canonically 1:1 with Earth, in terms of how people can look? Could General Zod show up looking Japanese? It is buck-wild that any alien without shape-shifting abilities should look perfectly normal anywhere on Earth. Within the same continuity, the Tamarans are human-shaped, but come in shades of orange. (As do Tamarians, but they’re kinda lumpy.) Martian Manhunter’s from right next door, and he’s fuckin’ green.

        Meanwhile on that same cover - highlighting how people don’t weigh these implications - Batman looks identical. Batman did not get swapped around. People, Bruce Wayne is just a guy. His superpower is money. He could look like anyone on Earth (who can plausibly win a fistfight) without even changing who the Waynes are. He didn’t need to get picked by forces beyond his comprehension, like the Flash and Green Lantern. He only needed to get adopted.

        That said:

        Star Trek deliberately doesn’t give a shit. They changed Klingons in a big way and shrugged when people asked why. More than once. The franchise runners will say, we want this actor to play this character, and the lore implications are, deal with it.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      There are definitely multiple shades of green on the Orions in Lower Decks. Some are yellow-green, and some are blue-green

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    I would imagine he was using a slur they invented for Vulcans, probably combining meanings of colour and warmth, which the UT didn’t really understand, so it just spit out something kind of close

    • Flying SquidOPM
      155 months ago

      I’m picturing Hoshi telling everyone, “no, look, in his language, that means ‘able to absorb heat!’” and Travis is like, “yeah, whatever.”

  • @LopensLeftArm
    85 months ago

    “Pink skin! Pink skin! Pink skin!”

    *sees Mot the barber*

    “You’re cool.”