• Scrubbles
    345 months ago

    Characters who don’t communicate. And not in a “bad relationship bad communication”, I mean all of the cliches and tropes of “Oh my god if you said 2 words we could wrap this craptastic movie up right now” but they just have to drag out one more conflict.

  • @[email protected]
    275 months ago

    The correct answer is Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, truly a selfish and awful man

    • Rhynoplaz
      95 months ago

      The movies did him dirty. He’s a pretty good guy in the book.

      • @[email protected]
        165 months ago

        That and people forgetting the movie trope of absolute joy being a panacea also doing him dirty.

        It’s a story about a magical chocolate factory staffed by orange skinned green haired dwarf humans, is it really that much harder to believe that an old man suddenly regained the will to live from hearing he had a chance to finally get closure over being kicked out of a career which paid well and that he loved participating in?

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        True and fair, question was movies though, and he does suck in at least the Gene Wilder one, didn’t really care to see the new ones

  • @[email protected]
    265 months ago

    I don’t think it’s interesting to get pissed off at villains. That’s their point. Yes, it’s very easy to hate Dolores Umbridge. You’re supposed to. I want to hear from the people that hate Garp, or Forrest Gump.

    I’ll start. Bill Shatner pissed me the fuck off as Captain Kirk. Part of it is backward-projecting from what the Federation became into the sexist shit they were doing in the 60s, but a much bigger part of it was from his SNL skit where he told fans to “get a life.”

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      115 months ago

      If you want to deepen and broaden your hatred for Shatner, watch “The Captains,” where he interviews Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, and Chris Pine and comes off as a pompous, sexist asshole.

      Also, Avery Brooks makes Shatner look like a fucking dweeb, which is worth it.

    • ivanafterall
      95 months ago

      I hate Jenny from Forrest Gump. But I’m sure plenty of wounded men share that perspective.

      • Xariphon
        165 months ago

        I used to hate Jenny but I have more sympathy for her now. She’s a scared, broken person too.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          I agree. Jenny is not someone any of us (sisters, brothers, or others) would want to be. I think that we can identify with Forrest, but Jenny is truly broken. She’s not dumping him to go live some fabulous lifestyle. She’s on a completely self destructive arc while Forrest goes from strength to strength, even when suffering the loss of friends and family.

          When you think about it, I can’t think of anyone wishing their life was like Jenny’s rather than like Forrest’s. Even taking the money and shit out of it, I know which I’d prefer.

  • Admiral Patrick
    5 months ago

    Tim from Jurassic Park (film).

    The raptor is trying to get through the door and eat everyone, your sister is busy trying to hack the system, and the two adults are trying like hell to keep the door closed while also trying to reach the shotgun.

    What does he do? Hand them the gun? Use his, until this very moment useless, dead weight to help hold the door? Nope, just hops up and down.

    You’re dead weight, Timmy.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I’ll tell you who pisses me off from Jurassic Park - Michael fucking Crichton.

      So, I know the guy Ian Malcolm was based on. He’s a complexity theorist I worked with a bit. Jeff Goldblum famously (in our tiny science community) called him but rather than asking about things like chaos theory he just asked about the guys family and stuff. In retrospect it makes sense, but the guy was really thrown by someone not wanting to talk about chaos theory.

      Anyway - Michael Crichton was a fucking asshole. I want you to hear that in the voice of your favorite character from What We Do in the Shadows. He turned into a conspiracy theorist, wrote that weird grey goo book about nanotechnology, and was generally just an unpleasant person who thought his intelligence was significantly higher than it actually was, as demonstrated when people actually tried to talk to him about complexity theory.

      I was actually a fan of his work until I started working there and his brain headed south like a monarch butterfly on crack.

    • slazer2au
      65 months ago

      Just wait till you read the book and find out how much of a dead weight some of those people are.

      • Admiral Patrick
        5 months ago

        Oh I have. But the post was about movie characters so I stuck to that lol. Don’t get me started on Ed Regis.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Forced romantic interest that were clearly the idea of some dipshit exec who wants to play it safe with generic audiences by inserting every cliche they can think of.

    • Rhynoplaz
      105 months ago

      But, what if they just stayed good friends?

      Insert guy getting defenestrated.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        They do that sometimes to good effect.

        Theres a lot of “will they, wont they” and then, nope they dont.

        • Astro Mike
          95 months ago

          One of my favorite things from 30 Rock - they didn’t force any of the main characters together. They even had Kim Jong Il talk directly to the camera at the end of an episode telling the writers not to overthink it and have Jack and Liz get together.

          That is one of my favorite jokes as they’re mocking fans who wanted them to get together.

      • tjhart85
        65 months ago

        My favorite non-example of this was in Mr Robot. The main character starts explaining something and the other character just says something like “we know what a raspberry pi is jackass” and it was fantastic.

  • Teon
    155 months ago

    People who come into a home, or leave it and never close the door. WTF?

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      Moms everywhere after slaving hours in the kitchen preparing a banquet breakfast feast for her family of three, watching her son grab a bagel because they’re late for school: “ … Have a good day sweetie! Guess I’ll throw this in the trash.”

      Dad looking up from the newspaper with stock quotes: “Oops, I’m late for the business factory. Bye, honey!”

      Moms: “I hate my life, it’s like I’m living in a TV trope!”

    • @Shah_of_Iran
      55 months ago

      That happens a lot in The Sopranos. I like to think of it as a power move and find it hilarious.

      • HotDogFingies
        35 months ago

        Is there something you can actually do about this or do I have to just grit my teeth and try to disassociate every time I have a meal with another human being?

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    The Jigsaw Killer family, grade A llama feed but Jesus fucking christ are they all just the WORST people imaginable.

    Even the supposed purist Kramer himself regularly set up traps that were just completely unfair like setting a timer on the razer maze or leaving Adam’s key where he’d have had no chance to realize where it was before he “failed” the test.

    Like seriously, for all his waxing philosophical, he has NO concept of how a human mind functions when panicking, including how a solid 3rd of the adrenaline response is FREEZE, the saw traps Kramer designs are guaranteed to kill at least a 3rd of all participants assuming it’s an even split which way you go when you start freaking out because a serial killer kidnapped you and strapped you into a death game where you have to literally maim yourself to survive.

    To say nothing of Amanda, who’s just a lunatic vigilante projecting her own worthlessness onto everyone that ends up in Kramer’s crosshairs, Hoffman who thinks any trap where a woman dies for no reason is an astounding success story, and Jill who is just so blisteringly stupid that she honestly deserved to die like an idiot for how little she did to even try and establish a line of communication with Gordon, the guy in charge of shutting Hoffman down if he ever became a threat to her, who himself is a moron for never using his supposed influence as the secret true heir and medical expertise to advise Kramer what the victims would physically be able to actually win at.

    And then there’s the super DUPER secret apprentice Logan who fucks everything up so spectacularly he can’t even get the catchphrase right!

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    That pink cunt from Harry Potter. You know who I mean.

    Also there’s nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest. Same vibe.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    85 months ago

    Dumble-freaking-dore! The things they let Dumbledore shrug his shoulders at for the sake of the plot turns me off story-wise, and at times the story forces aspects about him to matter.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      They killed the troll, 100 points for Gryffindor

      Yeah okay, but WHY did the troll get out. How are we going to stop this from happening in the future? How can we ensure the kids never wind up petrified, entered into some sort of competition against their will despite being under age, drowned, or killed by three headed dogs, giant bird horse things or basilisks?

      Doesn’t matter, Gryffindor wins!

    5 months ago

    Every fucking one from a series of unfortunate events series even the kids who are potrayed as genius are stupid fucks who are irritating beyond human comprehension like everyone and i mean everyone . I know you said movie but i hated this series so much i stopped without even completing a season.

  • Jo Miran
    5 months ago

    Shiv, from Succession. (Series, not Movie)

    Look, I fully understand the character and why she is the way she is and reacts the way she does, but understanding does not make her any less toxic. Kendall put it most succinctly. “Cunt is as cunt does”, and her doings were foul.

    EDIT: From movies…any character portrayed by Will Smith (opinion well predates “the slap” ).

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    Popeye Doyle in The French Connection. Sure he’s the protagonist, but he’s also a huge piece of shit.