NOTE: All I had were 5 cookies just now. I was just wondering: not trying to eat them all.

  • southsamurai
    7 months ago

    All the cookies.

    Nah, it depends on the cookie.

    Not necessarily even the size. But the kind of cookie. Oreos? Three or four, with milk. Chocolate chip? That’s my weakness. I make two types; the more traditional where I have to make myself stop at three, but could finish a dozen. And there’s the kind that levain bakery made famous. One cookie is almost an inch thick, three to four inches around, and packed full of chips. I can barely finish one, but would otherwise gorge myself.

    I have to be careful making chocolate chip cookies. Store bought? Two or three, depending on size. Usually with milk.

    Something more like murder cookies, one or two. They’re so good it’s absurd, but they’re very satisfying without flipping whatever switch it is that makes chocolate chips nigh addictive.

    But nilla wafers? Fuck me. A dozen, easy, because as good as they are, they’re kinda “empty”.

    Don’t get me started on cookies lol.