No need for alacritty. Taking my class notes in sed on a shitty reconstituted Chromebook running bare Linux turned me into the man I am today. Big tech has convinced you that you need things like GPUs or DEs - we’ve been fooled into thinking that we need Xwindows or Wayland. Wake up sheeple!
No, you see everyone who argues about Emacs vs Vim actually uses Nano to get any real work done. The argument is just over which editor is theoretically better, in some hypothetical world where you had ten years to devote to learning to use it perfectly.
“don’t agree with trans people” on what topic? which star trek is best? emacs vs vim? coffee vs tea?
finish the fucking sentence, asshole
Don’t push the vim agenda. You’re just unable to exit.
googles “how do I turn off record mode in vim?”
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I’m trans and gay. A real man only needs sed and awk.
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No need for alacritty. Taking my class notes in sed on a shitty reconstituted Chromebook running bare Linux turned me into the man I am today. Big tech has convinced you that you need things like GPUs or DEs - we’ve been fooled into thinking that we need Xwindows or Wayland. Wake up sheeple!
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I did have sex with a man this morning, yes.
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Real men use butterflies
Could be worse, they could be part of the “I don’t believe in (insert verifiable fact)” crowd.
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No, you see everyone who argues about Emacs vs Vim actually uses Nano to get any real work done. The argument is just over which editor is theoretically better, in some hypothetical world where you had ten years to devote to learning to use it perfectly.
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I think Guilty Gear sucks.
That’s a paddlin’