• @[email protected]
    573 months ago

    the only reason everyone is here still is because there isn’t a viable alternative yet. (and no, the broken “fediverse” concept isn’t viable)

    😂 You’re allowed to not want to leave. But just because you refuse to learn something new/have Stockholm Syndrome/etc doesn’t make the fediverse broken!

    • @brbpostingOP
      153 months ago

      That should’ve been the post: a screenshot of that with the link given (was too lazy to find it again)

      Yeah very silly takes on the fediverse. Right about one thing: the hivemind is strong. To offer a nuanced opinion, you have to go in hard at least sarcastically about the far-left view, then you can share how it could be theoretically questioned by a reasonable person. (Can and should. Echochambers will leave our minds feeble, so we gotta duke it out with the uncomfortable stuff.)

      What’s the benefit of the hivemind? Should be harder for nazis to offer _non-_nuanced takes framed as questions (JAQing off). Wouldn’t be tolerated for a second; no one has time for it here. We take the good with the bad.

      I would, though, love to subscribe to a conservative community with exclusively social-justice minded posters, but who still offer unusual or right-of-center framings. Like imagine if (heh, if) the US supports a terrible leader in the Middle East, but we actually couldn’t just cut communication with them tomorrow or something even worse could happen. And maybe we all here offer unwavering criticism of the US support b/c it’s so obviously the correct thing to do, but someone right-of-center can akshually actually us in a nuanced way that leaves us smarter. And more able to call out the correct plan of action too (e.g. cut off support in six months, not tomorrow, after a structure is in place). (…this example sucks)

  • Hello Hotel
    3 months ago


    Yesterday I clicked on All/Rising and 20 of the top 25 posts were 9 year old accounts with no karma each announcing a different subreddit that was created an hour earlier with no posts in them.


  • kratoz29
    203 months ago

    I tend to try to open their eyes from time to time, not sure if it is worth it.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      123 months ago

      The fact that you used Imgur for this comment strikes me as ironic

      • kratoz29
        73 months ago

        Not my fault, I tried twice to upload the image here and it did not work, perhaps for the aggressive limited storage size of my instance… Anyway imgur is the only app that I have for quickly upload shit.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    Isn’t this more of a consequence of reddit’s user count? How is Lemmy less vulnerable to bots?

    • recursive_recursion [they/them]
      3 months ago

      every single report by a user matters more as they’re sent to every federated instance

      For example:
      As a user of instance ‘a’ if you don’t like your moderators’ actions/inactions, now you can easily jump to instance ‘b’ which still provides you access to the previous communities that you were subbed to

      due to this interconnected complex system, instance admins and moderators are more likely to take reports seriously and attempt to provide their users with the most reasonable services and logic

      all of which means that bot accounts are highly scrutinized than regular users

      sorry for the long explanation but I hope this helps you understand how and why🤗