• Gadg8eer
      -553 months ago

      Removed by mod

      • @[email protected]
        123 months ago

        This honestly reads like a sarcastic joke, I’m not sure if it just went over everyone’s head here

        • Gadg8eer
          -13 months ago

          I actually may have confused two threads about this topic and forgotten which poster I was trying to respond to. To be clear, all I wanted to say - in short, that I agree with her if she’s arguing in good faith, but that doesn’t justify the above poster hating Israelis and the words “finally, etc.” sounded anti-semetic. Any past online behavior of mine that suggested I feel otherwise is not something I want to influence people to hate a group, and I felt that needed to be pointed out. In the past I’ve made mistakes in my online posts, visible or not, but I never hated anyone for beliefs, only individual actions. My words were not the right ones, I get it. Please stop, I am trying to be unbiased and not “politically correct” because history doesn’t repeat for no reason and yes, there is nothing that is inherent to anyone that prevents them acting like a fascist, no matter what label you can otherwise apply to them. Hypocrisy is a thing, genocide is something every culture is guilty of. It’s not pleasant, but it is fair. We have free will, check your bigotry before it wrecks everything. I will be unsubscribing to this entire community now that I’ve said my peace, please block me if you’re too partisan to realize I am not saying Hamas are not guilty, only that Israel’s government is not free of corruption by hate anymore than Hamas if carpet-bombing hospitals is in their playbook.

        • Gadg8eer
          -63 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • Gadg8eer
            03 months ago

            deleted by creator

  • IninewCrow
    513 months ago

    Brave woman … if American history serves me right, people like her are liable to get themselves killed or conveniently die for speaking up too much or too loudly

    • NoLifeGaming
      3 months ago

      AOC has been mostly silent and very “soft” on the matter until recently. Better late than never I guess.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Brave? This has been going on for 5+ months and she is just now saying something.

      Edit: My apologies, I am angry that she hasn’t called it a genocide.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        This is not her first time speaking about it. She called for a cease fire on October 9th. So a pretty consistent position.

      • @tabarnaski
        63 months ago

        Are there other US representatives or senators that called this war a genocide?

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Yes, the only Palestinian-American in the Senate, which makes it all the more important we protect Palestine

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          There is not. So she is the first and only of the 435.

          Doesn’t take away that it took her 5 months to call it that when it was obvious that it was a genocide at a much earlier date.

        • @[email protected]
          -13 months ago

          Let’s not whatabout them. If she had been turning a blind eye to it I think their comments would be justified regardless of how trash the rest of Congress is or is not. This person is just flat-out wrong, though, she did not wait 5 months to say something.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Ah, can you share an example of someone who has been saying something in the interim? That way you could highlight a politician we should be paying attention to who is doing a better job.

        Also, is there logic behind your five month cutoff because I’d love to get some insight the rationale behind the opinion.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          No, I am addressing AOC here and not anyone else.

          My (corrected) point is that it took her 5 months to call it a genocide. That is the point. It was obvious way before that.

    • @[email protected]
      -183 months ago

      If American history serves me right people will be paranoid over whatever they’re told to be paranoid.

      She’s actually more likely to be killed by a pro-palestine protester given how emotionally unstable the Hamas propaganda is making them. She’s already being harassed in the streets by them.

        • @[email protected]
          -163 months ago

          You first. You’re getting paranoid about the evil Jews assassinating a US politician.

          If you don’t think the internet makes people emotionally unstable and you don’t think emotionally unstable people do crazy things, it may be because the internet has put you into an emotionally unstable state. Go outside and touch grass. Eventually Hamas will be forced to release the hostages one way or another and the death will stop. Civilian casualties in a war should be upsetting but understand there isn’t anything you can do about it. Falsely claiming genocide and trying to make a war drag on longer by cutting off supplies only makes things worse. It’s not going to end until the hostages are freed.

            • @[email protected]
              -73 months ago

              Yeah Hamas are psychopaths so they wouldn’t have any qualms about murdering hostages. But also they’re psychopaths and whatever they might say about wanting to be martyrs is just lies. A psychopaths will prioritize their own self preservation over anything else. Obviosuly they’re willing to put the Palestinian people at the mercy of an army they claim to be committing genocide while they hide underground like cowards.

              But it’s possible they could release the hostages and make an exit through Egypt and survive. The question is how many Palestinian civilians they can let die (civilian deaths is a big money maker for them) before they make their escape to Qatar to live a life of luxury. It’s important to put a lot of pressure on Rafah by making it clear that the IDF is willing to fight in Rafah to force them into running away. The leadership of Hamas are cowards we know this by their actions so far. A strong showing of support for Israel will reveal the nature of Hamas (if October 7 didn’t already) and could result in a long term peace. But the effectiveness of Hamas’ propaganda on the west makes it more likely Hamas will continue their psychotic ways and this conflict will go on for another generation.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Wow only took her five months of Genocide and 32.00 Palestinians killed.

    Now she’s lost all face with the actual left and more than 50% of Democrats already believe israel is committing Genocide, she turns around. Amazing.

    Did Bernie say the scary word yet? Or is he still complicit?

      • @tabarnaski
        183 months ago

        There are people with whom arguing is sterile.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          (of a discussion, an argument, etc.) not producing any useful result synonym fruitless a sterile debate

          Well, I learned a new way to use that weird. Thanks!

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        They care more about God Emperor Biden winning from God Emperor Trump than the fact that Biden is supporting Genocide.

        Both parties are now filled with brainless drones that will endorse anything their side does as long as the other side does not win.

        • @[email protected]
          103 months ago

          Nope. We just accept the win when we get a politician to pivot or advance to the place we think they should be.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          I don’t know about Democrats being into a God Emperor Biden as that was more of an Obama thing. And even with Obama I don’t think it ever hit the level of Trump. Trump fandom truly is special and not in a good way.

    • Flying Squid
      903 months ago

      Or, you know, they are individual human beings with their own political views that happen to resonate with the people who vote for them.

      Not everything is a massive conspiracy.

      • @[email protected]
        403 months ago

        No my man, everything is controlled. Nothing just happens. It’s too uncomfortable for me to accept that bad things just happen. It’s much easier for me to accept that there are shady forces acting behind the scenes making every bad thing happen.