I want to run openvpn every time I log on, but currently I run

sudo openvpn --config <myconfig> --auth-user-pass <user/pass>

every time. Is there a way to make it run that automatically and not need my password?

I could make it launch a terminal and run a script but is there a way that would not require me to type my password every time? Can I maybe give myself permissions to whatever openvpn needs so it doesn’t need sudo? How do I find out what those permissions are? Is this the right place to ask?

I’m running KDE/Plasma 6 on Manjaro should that matter

edit: Thanks all! I’m going to try the systemd option, if I can’t get that working I’ll fall back to the cronjob option, and failing that changing openvpn to not need a password for sudo and launching a script at kde statup.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Yeah OP, look into this. It’s easy once you get the hang of it, and you don’t have to make your system vulnerable by making sudo password less.

      • exscape
        33 months ago

        You can make sudo password-less for a single command (including using specific arguments) though, so even if using sudo were the only solution, it wouldn’t be that bad. For example, I have a sudoers entry that allows my user to decrypt my ZFS pool by executing a root-owned script (with permissions 700), but everything else requires a password.

    • ReCursingOP
      13 months ago

      That looks pretty straightforward. I’ll look into doing that. And if I can;t make it work I’ll go with the cron job option suggested by @Andromeda above

    • MentalEdge
      13 months ago

      Definitely the correct way to do this. And openvpn even ships some tools to make it simple to do.

      I already linked to them in my other comment.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    For this in particular, look into setting up NetworkManager to do the openvpn configuration, it has that functionality built in. Otherwise, systemd unit file

    • just some guy
      33 months ago

      I don’t use open VPN so I don’t know for sure, but I think you’re right as the best way to go. Pretty sure I recall Network Manager having an option to set a vpn to be always on when a network connection is made and an option to save credentials.

  • @lurch
    33 months ago

    AFAIK you can allow it in the sudoers file to not need a password, if you keep the sudo.

    idk how KDE autostarts, tho.

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    Look into editing the sudoers file. Add a line that allows you to run openvpn with the NOPASSWD option.

    I strongly recommend not using that for everything, just the specific commands you need to run non-interactively.

    • ReCursingOP
      13 months ago

      I didn’t know that was an option! Sounds generally insecure but if the other options here don’t work out this should solve it. Thanks!

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        It’s only as insecure as you make it. It’s an option, it needs to be used responsibly.

  • e_t_
    23 months ago

    Read the documentation on the sudoers file. You can specify particular commands to not require a password.

  • Atemu
    13 months ago

    If you’re using NetworkManager, I’d recommend you to use it to create a VPN profile instead and connect to that on startup through the unprivileged nmcli.