Puppy Service Announcement: Puppies go through a phase of being very destructive - depending on the puppy they’ll chew up your favorite shoes, furniture, anything not moving, and potentially pee on those things as well. It is a phase
So don’t freak out when it goes on for a year. They give it up around then. And there’s no indicator they’ve given it up other than you notice you still have [that thing you left lying on the floor] the next day.
Just saying as a lot of people get puppies for the aww but don’t expect the hellstorm of gnawing they come with for the first 6-18 months. They’ll be fine, it’s just a puppy thing. Lots of walks and chew toys is your best defense.
Dogs are wholesome but this is why I don’t think I could own one myself
Looks like Lejek finally got their own human. Good job Lejek!
ok, so basically im very smol
Lejek deserves all off the ear rubs. All of them.
He’s gonna get them. And then even some more!
What a cutie!!
Nice leash. Congrats.
got yoiur own what
My own Aww, a puppy!, which will turn into Aww, a doggie!, obviously :D
I’m not sure