I haven’t made a new thread weekly exactly, but with the amount of activity it might need to be fortnightly, here’s another recommendations thread.

Let everyone know below a game (6+ months old), that you have played recently, are currently playing or intend to play soon.

  • @[email protected]
    1611 months ago

    I’m going to play Sleeping Dogs next. Bought it during steam sales for like $2. I heard it’s pretty good. I remember liking its predecessor, True Crime.

    • HidingCat
      411 months ago

      It’s really good and fun, and also as someone who grew up with HK movies and drama, captures that flavour very well!

    • @fibojoly
      111 months ago

      Best GTA-like I’ve played. Completely ignored the driving part and focused on the beat-em up part. I wish Yakuza was a fraction as good in the fighting department, because otherwise I feel like it would be a perfect fix for me.
      So wish there was a sequel! T_T

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        I loved SD when it came out, think I have played it through 3 times now. I have all of Yakuza but just can’t get into it to the same extent, only managed to finish Zero so far.

  • BriongloidOPM
    1211 months ago

    I’m still playing Elder Scrolls Online, which means I am not playing much atm while I upskill in Linux/docker etc.

    I just hop on, do my 15 minutes of daily writs between two characters with addons and hop off.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      How is the community over there? I played a lot of WoW during Wotlk (very cliche, I know), but not so many MMOs in the past years.

      • BriongloidOPM
        711 months ago

        Outside of free weekends or perhaps peaktime weekends in general, it is probably the nicest community I’ve ever played with.

      • The Postminimalist
        411 months ago

        Very nice community. I try to contribute to that in and outside my guilds.

    • Frog
      211 months ago

      Tried it out a long time ago. Leveled up a bit but realised I could spam one dungeon over and over and level real fast… and after that I felt lost and eventually quit. How is the controller support?

    • The Postminimalist
      211 months ago

      I’m about 4600 hours into ESO, but I’ve been paying for the subscription for half of that time. I only raid. Very challenging at the high levels, which I really enjoy.

      I just hop on for my scheduled raids and log off. I don’t do any kind of grinding.

      • BriongloidOPM
        211 months ago

        I’ve never bought ESO subscription, I have 200 inventory / 240 bank on my main character and manage my items with addons, I own the 6 previous expansions with the $20 bundle and intend to play what I own before wanting DLC I don’t have.

        I trade Gold for other DLC I want.

        • The Postminimalist
          211 months ago

          That’s fair. I just have hundreds of thousands of crafting items so the craft bag is a big one for me. I also actually go through every single DLC. I’m almost done getting every single trifecta in the game (arenas, dungeons, and trials).

          I could probably make do with how you go about it, but since this is basically the only form of entertainment I pay for, I feel like it’s justified. My lifestyle is otherwise incredibly frugal.

  • HidingCat
    811 months ago

    Played and completed Return of the Obra Dinn a couple of weeks ago. It’s a walking logic puzzle wrapped in a very distinct art style. I have to say despite my worries on the style causing motion sickness, that never happened. It’s a really well-done game. It rarely goes on sale too!

    • Bilbo Baggins
      111 months ago

      I felt so proud when I finished that whole game without any hints. I was close to giving up a few times, but I’m so glad I kept pushing. It was so absolutely satisfying to walk off the boat knowing I’d done it all myself.

      • HidingCat
        211 months ago

        Won’t lie, towards the end when a lot of the identities were crossed off I started guessing and made random checks to see what worked. xD

    • @azayrahmad
      111 months ago

      I tried this a couple of years ago, The story seems intriguing but after hours and hours playing I feel like I’m not really good at this and my eyes are tired with the monochrome pixel style. I mean I can play Game Boy games for hours but honestly to use the same visual style in a genre where you need to read a lot and to look at things really hard, it’s really tiring.

      • HidingCat
        111 months ago

        Sorry to hear, I do think it’s not for everyone. I’m just glad I didn’t have an issue in the end and got to enjoy the game for what it is, which luckily is something (logic puzzles) that I do enjoy normally.

  • @[email protected]
    811 months ago

    I plan to finally play Hotel Dusk for DS. I just need to finally hack my 3DS. I have a cartridge, but it’s in another castle house.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I haven’t thought about Hotel Dusk in a long time. I might have to finally fix my DS and revisit.

    • kratoz29
      111 months ago

      Be sure to play the sequel if you like it, I played it many years ago and I’m planning on re visit it as I almost forgot all the main plot lol (the only good thing about having a crappy memory I guess).

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        I plan to, it’s funny how the first game is quite common knowledge, but I only learned about a sequel in some “10 games you didn’t know have sequels” or such article.

        • kratoz29
          211 months ago

          Haha yeah, pretty much, I think first one is more memorable as well, is that case where the sequels just can’t beat the first entry.

    • Firestorm Druid
      111 months ago

      If you haven’t gotten around to modding your 3DS yet, I recently did and it turned out awesome and a lot easier than I had anticipated. There’s a super comprehensive and detailed guide I used if you’re interested.

  • @Varyk
    11 months ago

    Katamari reroll, which is just katamari damacy again… which is just so much fun and relaxing and the songs are funny. Go play it again, it’s great.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    I’ve been replaying disco elysium: the final cut lately. beautiful narration and voice acting, amazing art. love the feeling of being dropped into a completely different world.

  • @[email protected]
    511 months ago

    Just finished Psychonauts 2 (haven’t played the first game) - it’s a solid 3D platformer with great art direction that trends on the easier side, though I appreciated having something that was somewhat relaxing to play for a change. I would highly recommend.

    • @vulgarcynic
      111 months ago

      Picked this up in the most recent steam sale… it’s installed on my desktop and steam deck, still haven’t booted it up.

      Thanks for bringing it back to the surface. May have to start tomorrow.

  • Beefalo
    511 months ago

    I suggest that patient gamers put Aliens: Dark Descent onto their wishlist and wait for a good sale. It already had a small sale but the game only came out in June.

    They really nailed the vibe, just all around, check out some Youtube plays of it to see if you like the gameplay. It looks like XCOM in screenshots but plays in real-time. The story takes place in a Weiland-Yutani mining base, of course isolated in an unwanted corner of the universe. A mysterious infection has appeared on the planet! I wonder what it could be? Better send some soldiers from your crashed ship to check out the situation and look for survivors. The characters are all new.

    I’d say that the game benefits from all the comics and other less-known canon that fleshes out the world, and has the flavor down pat. They haven’t forgotten that the original movie was about a conflict between two powerful women, one of whom really doesn’t want to fuckin be here, and the gameplay does a great job of being a balancing act between making you fuckin sweat at the mercy of xenomorphs while also feeling like a badass. It’s a lot of people’s Game of the Year already, so I’d look into it, even though it’s gotten kinda lost in the shuffle.

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    I’vebeen playing Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 while I wait for Baldurs Gate 3 and how did I sleep on these?? They’re great

  • kratoz29
    411 months ago

    I suggest Chrono Trigger, but that’s an obvious one.

    If you like MP games like Smash Bros I suggest you to give it a try to Jump Ultimate Stars, it has a nice battle system and it is still a bit active in Discord thanks to Wiimmfi.

  • @azayrahmad
    411 months ago

    Caesar III with Augustus mod.

    Caesar III is a 1998 Windows city building game, so it’s like SimCity, but more fast paced, focused on efficiency, and set in Ancient Rome. You can get it from Steam or GOG. But the game is old, and clearly aged software and gameplay wise.

    Then someone created a reimplementation named Julius project, adding some QoL improvement and compatibility with other OSes. And then someone else forked the project and added gameplay changes as well, incorporating features from later games.

    Now I can play it in my Android phone in my bed.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      On my android? Holy shit brb.

      Last time I played a caeser game it was C1 and I was a kid who had no idea which sound card setting to use and would choose different settings every time I booted the game. Sometimes it worked. I had no idea how to play but I loved it.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    311 months ago

    If you haven’t played Supraland yet, it’s the irreverent zeldalike you didn’t know you were craving. I’m mixed on the DLC but the main game is well worth. There’s a free demo, try it and you’ll be hooked.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    I am very excited about my upcoming holiday. I will finalmy be able to play Metroid Dread in peace. Ever since I played Hollow Knight I’ve been dying to get into a similar game.

    • @SadSadSatellite
      111 months ago

      If you want a great Metroidvania, check out axiom verge. It’s got really cool mechanics and world design.

      For more action oriented, I could play dead cells for the rest of my life.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    I’m currently enjoying the evil within. Nice survival horror, plays almost like resident evil 4/5 but more slightly creepy and more dreamlike in its design.

    Factorio. If you enjoy problem solving or simulation or management in your games. Factorio will scratch that itch endlessly. And then when you complete it, the mods will make you want to start over again!