I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.

  • @loaExMachina
    971 month ago

    I love olives. Olives are great.

    I will die on this hill.

    Then perish.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        We used to make “Whore’s Martinis”.

        Same as a regular one, you just hand pour over a single cube of ice and toss in an olive, onion, lemon, whatever. Stir with your finger and go. No straining, no stir stick, no measuring, one cube of ice.

    • Fire Witch
      1 month ago

      I’ve learned that I don’t give a shit if a martini is shaken OR stirred. They’re all fucking disgusting. I love gin, but who the fuck thought super salty gin would taste good? The olive is the only good part of the whole thing.

      Except for espresso martinis, those are good.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        I will fight you.

        Kidding, I know a lot of people that feel the same as you haha. And espresso martini’s are my fave

  • @[email protected]
    201 month ago

    I would have died on that hill with you for most of my life.

    But it always seemed odd to me; I wasn’t a picky eater so what was different about olives?! I would try them from time to time but still gagged on them.

    Then I tried some while I was living in the Middle East. They slowly be came more and more palatable until now I love them.

    Those shitty canned black sliced olives are still awful though 🥴

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Or just to a middle eastern grocer.

        Also - Castelvetrano are the olives that non-olive people often like. The flavor is mild and buttery, not as sour as most but without the metallic edge the black olives have.

        • @[email protected]OP
          71 month ago

          Thank you for the recommendations! I might see if the super fancy grocery store by my work has those olives. If they don’t, then I’ll try to find a middle eastern grocer. I don’t mind taking a minor road trip to find legit olives. I wanna know if I just don’t like the ones I’ve been exposed to.

      • Ada
        31 month ago

        Of course. Otherwise they’re just sparkling kalmatas…

    • pink
      -11 month ago

      You are supposed to fill the black ones with easy cheese.

  • @DJKJuicy
    111 month ago

    I used to hate olives, along with a lot of other things. Peppers. Beans. Blue cheese. And I used to tell everyone about how much I disliked stuff.

    But then I grew up. You don’t have to eat olives if you don’t want. But if you restrict your life to your little pre-approved list of acceptable foods, you’re missing out.

    Life is short. Way too short. You don’t want to discover how delicious a dirty martini with blue cheese olives is when you’re old.