• @[email protected]
    692 months ago

    "We hope Judge Jones will not further delay justice by appealing but, instead, face Harris County voters in a new election when ordered by the court,” Simpson said in a statement.

    Appeal that shit. Then, appeal that appeal and push it till the November elections when people will be voting anyway.

    • Xhieron
      362 months ago

      Yup. Appeal it, drag it out, mire it up. If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.

  • @xmunk
    592 months ago

    So wait, can we gerrymander a state to get 51% GOPers elected and then re-gerrymander a state so the 49% of other representatives are now in solidly red districts then sue to have those elections overturned so we can achieve 100% representation of a party with a minority of popular support?

    American democracy is so innovative, I don’t think any other country has innovated so hard!

    (Heavy, heavy sarcasm contained above)

    • mozz
      112 months ago

      You’re overthinking it

      Pass a law in a few places that the state legislature can overrule the state results for president

      Those states are enough to pick the president we want

      President then fires all federal law enforcement or administrative official who’s not loyal to him, replaces them from the Project 2025 binders, and just announces deployment of the military in the US and that anyone who’s against him is illegal and goes to prison or shot

      Bingo bango. More direct, less complicated, more permanent, nationwide results. Your thinking was along the right lines but too rules-based. Takes too long. Not enough innovative enough within the current system.

      • @gravitas_deficiency
        82 months ago

        The fact that people still fail to understand this when the playbook is very literally available online in full form baffles and infuriates me. Like, there are Republicans who are doing things now that are in - or will very obviously enable specific goals listed in - that plan. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

        • mozz
          72 months ago

          Yeah. This year is go time. It’s like the Fifth Element; it’ll either take over, or else get sent away until the next thousand years, when it returns.

          • @gravitas_deficiency
            62 months ago

            I love science fiction, but it is disturbingly prescient sometimes. Which is, I suppose, one of the reasons I find the genre so fascinating.

      • @xmunk
        22 months ago

        Damn, I gotta get with the fucking program.

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Binding legal precedent us only set by appeals court rulings. If this is appealed and upheld, THAT will be a precedent setting. Otherwise, judges can pretty much ignore this case and rule on similar cases with similar facts in a way they see fit.