    10 months ago

    Please listen to some of the 2024 libertarian primary debates available on YouTube. The views you attribute to libertarians are not accurate. Most libertarians are against the drug war and would legalize weed, none of the candidates I know of want to impose religion in schools, they are all strongly against civil forfeiture, they are generally pro nuclear energy, and most are pro choice (that one is still a bit sticky, Chase Oliver is pro choice, most of the others are personally pro life but still say they believe it should be the choice of the mother as that is maximizing liberty). These views you list are very Republican and not libertarian. We dislike trump as much as you. I don’t mean to be condescending but please don’t spread rumors. If there are some Internet trolls that claim to be libertarians and say those things please don’t believe them. They do not represent the majority of the party.