A 70-year-old Alaska man who was attempting to take photos of two newborn moose calves was attacked and killed by their mother, authorities said Monday.
The man killed Sunday was identified as Dale Chorman of Homer, said Austin McDaniel, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Public Safety.
The female moose had recently given birth to the calves in Homer.
“As they were walking through the brush looking for the moose, that’s when the cow moose attacked Dale,” McDaniel said.
Wyoming resident here. Moose are nothing to fuck with. Mama moose protecting her calves should be extremely obvious, but you should also be wary of males during mating season. No chill whatsoever.
EDIT: Grammar correction.
I don’t normally do this, but I see this from time to time, so just so you know:
wary: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
leery: cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions
weary: feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep
I’m sorry if this was annoying rather than helpful!
Not annoying at all. Thank you for sharing!
Moose: just don’t
Moose: not even once.
Do not the moose
Also a Wyoming resident and people are just downright dumb when it comes to wildlife. Frankly anything that is taller than your knees can kill you if it really wants to. Stay the hell away from it!
My wife came across a wolverine while trail riding. She thought it was a grumpy badger. He was growling and clearly meant business.
I was once watching a grizzly and cub way up near the treeline, from a well hidden spot. Then we saw the wolverine and the bear smelled it around the same time and took off with her cub at a swift trot.
We agreed and hid more until we were sure the wolverine wouldn’t see us, then trotted away ourselves. Two of the world’s most badass predator species just scrambling to get away from the little murder rug. Won’t forget that.
I’m just going to fly over Wyoming, thanks.
Both of you are in this thread! What are the odds?
I don’t live anywhere near moose and I feel like this should be readily apparent. If the animal is as big as a fucking truck don’t mess with it.
My first time in Alaska I was out in some remote ski town in the summer with nothing but locals and the first thing EVERYONE said was “Bears are nothing. It’s the moose you need to worry about.” /giphy rocky and bullwinkle
Those videos of bull moose charging through 4’ of chest-high snow like it’s nothing are truly spectacular. They must be terrifying up close, so powerful.
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Probably autocorrect, but *wary.
It’s Mama mooses that get weary (tired) of males during mating season.