• Captain Aggravated
    191 month ago

    I don’t think that would work for me; I share a name with a minor figure in the film industry, not exactly an A list movie star, but his IMDB page is mostly correct and has a relevant thumbnail image, so i kinda wonder if he beat me to it.

    On the same line of thought, I did once look into getting a 900 number as my personal phone line. I’d talk about my car’s extended warranty all day for 4 dollars for the first minute plus 1.20 each additional minute.

    • @Mnemnosyne
      111 month ago

      Well don’t just drop that and leave it hanging, what did you find out about getting a 900 number to use as your personal phone line?

  • @[email protected]
    191 month ago

    It is kinda nice seeing one of them blatantly admit that the entire idea is the skip out on paying for their actions.

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      If you really want things removed from your credit report there are easier ways. You can send creditors letters asking for them to validate the debt and their legal right to collect the debt, sent certified mail. The entire point is to make it as burdensome as possible, and they legally have to respond to these requests or give up trying to collect the debt. There’s guides online and you can have chatgpt write the letters for you citing the relevant laws, it’s pretty easy. I’ve done it for some debts that I disagreed with their validity and had them removed

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Just wondering, what kind of debts would qualify as being invalid in your eyes? I can’t really imagine it, but I’ve only ever dealt with credit debt and lines of credit. I don’t see myself sending mail to my bank saying the line of credit they gave me is invalid lol

        • @[email protected]
          51 month ago

          It was over some bullshit fees that Viasat (terrible ISP) charged my account after I cancelled, they sent it to collections. It wasn’t even over cancelling the contract, I paid the early termination fees. It was for not returning part of the dish they installed on the roof, that they didn’t tell me I had to return until months after I moved and no longer had access to the property. But around that time I happened to have read about writing letters to remove bad marks from your credit history, so I gave it a whirl. I had an AI write the letter and then sent it certified mail to the collections company.

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      “Directly” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.

      Try opening a finance company called Marcus or glasses called Warby Parker.

        • Flying Squid
          61 month ago

          If your kid wanted to start, for example, Disney Coin Laundry and had a sign that was clearly not affiliated with the Walt Disney company, they would have a chance to trademark it. Disney’s lawyers would definitely try to fight it, but you would technically have the right to do so.

          A trademark has to be protected and also can’t be associated with a competitive business.

          • @[email protected]
            61 month ago

            Reminds me of Hershey’s Ice Cream, which is a separate and unrelated company to Hershey’s Chocolate. The chocolate company tried several times to sue the ice cream company for trademark infringement but failed.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        You just need to do the kind of mess that lands you in the news in such a way that people associate Name+Trade Area with you and you alone.

        I’m pretty sure that if Madoff had tried to trademark his surname for financial services before he croaked it would have been granted.