• @[email protected]
    29 days ago

    Funny how none of the solutions to try and curb illegal immigration fall on the business owners who knowingly hire them. Enact jail time for those business owners, and see how quickly the demand dries up. No coincidence that most of these business owners are Republican. They want a permanent underclass of vulnerable workers they can exploit.

    • @[email protected]
      128 days ago

      Funny how none of the solutions to try and curb illegal immigration fall on the business owners who knowingly hire them.

      They do… kinda. This problem peaked under COVID, when you had fruit rotting in fields thanks to our sudden crack down on migrant travel. We saw a similar sudden drop in available farm labor back in 2017, when Trump was ramping up border enforcement against seasonal laborers.

      No coincidence that most of these business owners are Republican.

      That’s more a correlation than causation. Blue collar business owners tend to skew Republican because Republicans cater to the anti-union and anti-poc proclivities of socially conservative white nationalist land barons. When Dems were the party of the apartheid-era South, they dominated this same voting block.

      But the brutal treatment of migrant workers has had a socio-economic impact on Gulf Coast states. Florida’s orange production has dropped from 240M pounds in 2004 to 16M in 2024. Supplies of meat and dairy produce have sagged as ranchers from Nevada to Alabama to Iowa are running out of cheap exploitable laborers. More and more businesses are turning to the carceral state to provide field hands, but even that doesn’t work well in states where people aren’t having kids to lock up and the existing prisoner base is aging past the point of functional field labor.

      Even with the most sadistic and malicious attitude towards your fellow humans, this isn’t a profitable economic policy. It is being driven largely be the outright terror wealthier white land owners have of the young Spanish speaking migrants that dominate their workforce.

  • Verdant Banana
    3529 days ago

    The White House is finalizing plans for a U.S.-Mexico border clampdown that would shut off asylum requests and automatically deny entrance to migrants once the number of people encountered by American border officials exceeded a new daily threshold, with President Joe Biden expected to sign an executive order as early as Tuesday, according to four people familiar with the matter.

    The president has been weighing additional executive action since the collapse of a bipartisan border bill earlier this year.

    The Biden administration has grown ever more conservative on border issues as the president faces ceaseless criticism from Republicans and there are large numbers of migrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico who are not easily returned, especially as global displacement grows from war, climate change and more.

    sounds like a right leaning conservative to me

    what about additional executive action on anything else like women’s rights, minimum wage, or anything that could count toward the human good

      • @[email protected]
        1229 days ago

        Thats whats crazy. I just want these people to stop gaslighting us into thinking Biden was even within pissing distance to FDR.

        Its just such bad faith to equate the two.

      • The Assman
        1029 days ago

        That was way worse actually, 2/3 of them were US citizens

        • BlackbeardM
          29 days ago

          I agree. I don’t know which is more interesting, that the progressive standard-bearer unilaterally executed one of the most egregious civil rights violations of the 20th century, or that progressive voters have completely forgotten that he did.

      • @[email protected]
        -429 days ago

        Yep, you’re completely right. FDR’s bad immigration stance makes Biden’s good. Yep, that is exactly how logic works.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪
      629 days ago

      Serious question: who was a more progressive POTUS since FDR?

      • Maybe LBJ with civil rights, Medicare and Medicaid, but Vietnam.
      • Maybe Jimmothy Carter, but he is commonly regarded as a bit unsuccessful as a president
      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        There hasnt been, what with the rightward drift of the Democratic party. The problem is he is not a progressive.

        We’ve done better on two fronts, gay and civil rights.

        Aside from that we are more right leaning by every other metric. Him being 80% less progressive than FDR is not a flex.

        Edit: have fun losing this election. Yall are so out of touch with the people if you think Joe Biden is progressive.

  • granolabar
    1229 days ago

    Migrants come here for jobs. Until employers who violate federal and state laws on employment of unauthorized residents are held criminally liable, migrants will keep coming.

    This is not rocket science. Any other measure is red herring to keep two party circle jerking going.

  • BlackbeardM
    1229 days ago

    Immigration is a net positive that boosts the economy and helps build the labor force and supercharge entrepreneurship.

    But also, border encounters are higher than they’ve been since the 1990s, illegal immigration redistributes wealth from those who compete against immigrants to those who employ immigrants (i.e. upward), and the influx of illegal immigrants is placing a disproportionate financial strain on state and local governments along the border. In the short term, and whether we like it or not, increased net immigration puts downward pressure on wages. If Democrats hope to be competitive in places like Arizona, Texas, and Florida, they need to meaningfully address what voters are saying is the most important problem facing this country right now.

  • @[email protected]
    729 days ago

    Fuck this. These people are fleeing horrible situations. We should be welcoming everyone to this country.

    • @[email protected]
      929 days ago

      But won’t you think of Kevin from Nowhere, Idaho and his very real fear that droving gangs of bloodthirsty, drug-fuelled migrants will vote in his local elections? THINK OF THE KEVINS! /s

    • @[email protected]
      829 days ago

      Situations often caused by US policy like the drug war, or as a result of climate change. Climate refugees are only going to get more common too.

    • @gnutard
      29 days ago

      No, when you have sex traffickers and drug cartels coming over, I don’t think that’s very smart. What I think needs to happen is to lower the limit of how long it takes to become a citizen of this country, that’s what really needs to change.

        • @gnutard
          28 days ago

          They already are banned. I wonder, why there is a fentanyl crisis in the US?

            • @gnutard
              28 days ago

              Yeah but then you probably say you want to ban all guns as well, just so that people can come over undocumented and bring over whatever they want. Again, doesn’t sound smart. What about all the people who did it the legal way? I don’t think having completely open borders is a great idea. It’s why I advocated for lessen the amount of time it takes to become a citizen, so they can do it the legal way and don’t have to get deported. You don’t even want people to be documented? You’re just going to let anyone in from one of the countries with the highest crime rates?

              • @[email protected]
                228 days ago

                As much as it must appeal to all sorts of criminals to see so many of their peers represented in the US government I believe most asylum seekers aren’t just looking for new criminal job opportunities.

                Also yes I’m what I would describe as a pragmatic anarchist so indeed we should eventually get rid of all national borders.

                You’re a very scared little person aren’t you. Everyone is out to get what little you have. Why don’t you take a look at what your own countrymen are taking from you? Why are you worried about migrants when your own homegrown capitalists are robbing you blind.

                Your threat isn’t Brown people my friend.

                • @gnutard
                  28 days ago

                  Nobody brought up race except you. And ah, I can see now, you’re an anarchist? Enjoy making below $15/hour then chump. Cry about why nobody gives you opportunities, its because your mind is absolutely smooth as butter. I will gladly keep all my firearms, thank you very much for giving me more reasons to do so. I just love how you immediately pulled the race card, that’s how you try to win all your conversations eh? Pathetic.

  • @[email protected]
    29 days ago

    Migrants are given one year of free housing to decide if they want to naturalize or move to another nation. Current immigration law leaves hosting up to individual cities, without Federal mandates for participation. Sanctuary cities are at capacity, and are using a turnstile system to allow new migrants in as existing migrants leave.

    POTUS can control detainment or turn away migrants at the border with the power of Executive Order.

    Turning migrants away resulted in increased deaths in Mexico, while detainment is clearly not reasonably hospitable to people in need.

    Honest question- besides the obvious solution of congressional immigration reform giving migrants the right to assisted stay in places other than sanctuary cities, what should Biden do? Turn away, detain, or overcrowd sanctuary cities?

    • @[email protected]
      1529 days ago

      We could increase funding and streamline the path to citizenship to meet the levels of immigration instead of letting a massive backlog build up that will only make the problem worse.

      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        I agree. That the congressional immigration reform that I mentioned. Only Congress can increase the budget. Biden repealed Title 42 and left the border open while pressing Congress for that exact legislation. They haven’t legislated a full reform since 1986. The reform passed in 2019 was for minors and an amendment tied to border security. Trump twisted the mandatory acceptance for minors into Title 42, detaining them while deporting their parents.



        So with congressional reform options aside, what do you think Biden should do?

          • @[email protected]
            29 days ago

            You’re vaguely stating what he shouldn’t do. Which of his three options do you think is best? Turn away, detain, or nothing and overcrowd sanctuary cities with homeless migrants?

            • @[email protected]
              -129 days ago

              Biden wouldn’t be overcrowding sanctuary cities, that would be the result of obstruction in congress.

              That is also the least worst thing he could do, nothing at all. All of the other options are worse because of congressional obstruction.

              • @[email protected]
                29 days ago

                It’s not about blame, it’s about resources. If a sanctuary city states they’re at capacity, they no longer can provide housing for the migrants.

                Doing nothing results in following existing immigration policy. Migrants would be bused from border cities to sanctuary cities. Without housing, the migrants would be homeless in the overcrowded sanctuary cities. Are you suggesting that’s the better option for migrants, or suggesting he does it to deflect the blame back on to Congress?

                • @[email protected]
                  129 days ago

                  Releasing that pressure by denying migrants the proper asylum process means that the problem can be ignored for longer instead of the sanctuary cities applying more pressure for actual change.

                  This is a counterproductive band aid.

  • @[email protected]
    29 days ago

    I know this seems like needless cruelty towards the most marginalized people in our society, but think about it this way:

    If Biden accomplishes the republican agenda better than Trump, that means moderate republicans will vote Biden. And everyone on the left has to vote Biden anyway. This is why Biden has the highest approval rating ever.

    It’s crazy how the president can get around congress whenever they want to, but only to do bad things.

    Edit: In case anyone didn’t get the sarcasm, moderate republicans will never vote for diet-fascism when they can have the real thing, and carrying out the republican agenda just makes your base stay home, since the only argument that can be made is “Well Trump might do the same thing but worse”. This is both cruel and dumb.

    • @[email protected]
      929 days ago

      I know this seems like needless cruelty towards the most marginalized people in our society but the Democrat candidate acting like a Republican is actually a really good thing.

      Classic Liberals