A Polish soldier who was stabbed on the country’s border with Belarus in May has died from his injuries, Poland’s military announced on Thursday.

It said the soldier was allegedly stabbed in the chest by a migrant who reached through a fence erected on the border to prevent illegal crossings.

The Polish Foreign Ministry said it had summoned the Belarusian charge de’affaires, demanding Minsk authorities hand over the soldier’s killer.

Poland and the EU claim many of the migrants attempting to cross into the country are organized and aided by Russia and its ally Belarus as part of an attempt destabilize Europe.

  • @[email protected]
    1427 days ago

    Thats fucked, imagine being on a border mission not expecting anything crazy to happen, and then you just get fucked stabbed to death. Imagine trying to explain that to the family.

    • @gravitas_deficiency
      1926 days ago

      Except in today’s geopolitical climate, a Polish soldier on border guard duty next to Belarus or Kaliningrad really should be keeping his head on a swivel.

      Putin’s “little green men” and weaponization of migrants (as well as “migrants” - i.e. not actually migrants, and possibly just people from prison told to “go here and make problems, and you get a pardon in Russia”) are well established and known tactics at this point.

    • @xmunk
      526 days ago

      Yup, it fucking sucks. Now, imagine how bad it will get if Putin starts embedding FSD agents into the migrants to intentionally attack officers or set off small explosives in the crowds.

      The people who will end up the most screwed are the migrants themselves as they’re used as cover.