• @gravitas_deficiency
    7221 days ago

    Yeah cause he’s more or less going to give them shitloads of money by lowering their taxes. Hell, he might invent some sort of grant and literally give them our taxpayer dollars.

  • @[email protected]
    5821 days ago

    This just in: richest people in the US are greedy cocksuckers who will do anything to avoid paying taxes, including backing a convicted felon for president

    Shameful. Bring out the guillotines

  • @[email protected]
    21 days ago

    Of course they do.

    That’s the central reason that bribes need to be kept out of politics (and don’t feed me any of that shit about lobbying as speech - they’re bribes obviously). It’s not simply that it’s dishonorable or dishonest to base government policy on bribes paid - much more importantly it’s that allowing bribes rewards and thus selects for people who are vile, self-serving scumbags.

    It’s not an accident that the billionaires and the politicians are almost entirely foul pieces of shit - it’s because our corrupt political system actually rewards foul pieces of shit and penalizes anyone with actual morals or integrity. It’s not just that politicians can take bribes, but that they essentially have to, just to keep up with the other candidates who do. And similarly it’s not that the wealthy and the corporations can pay bribes, but that they essentially have to, just to compete against the other wealthy people and corporations who do.

    Allowing bribes just creates a political system that’s effectively gatekept - “You have to be this corrupt to take part in this system.” And the people who aren’t that corrupt are locked out.

    Trump is certainly the most foul, loathsome, corrupt piece of shit in this election (not that Biden isn’t one too - just that Trump has achieved depths virtually unheard of, even in the cesspool of US politics). So Trump is naturally the one who’s going to get the lion’s share of bribes from the foul, loathsome pieces of shit who pay the most and biggest ones.

    • @[email protected]
      1021 days ago

      And it is extremely effective. How many generations in are we on “money is free speech” before we are literally combating fascism aided by the entire machine itself? If democracy survived this election, and our country thereafter it’s pillaged, we need to move with the speed of gods to fix our system.

    • @[email protected]
      421 days ago

      Remember this simple fact: in the US we call it lobbying, but every other country calls is corruption.

  • @[email protected]
    1320 days ago

    Big fucking duh. Trump has already told all the millionaires and billionaires that if they get him re-elected, he’ll cut taxes for them. You cant cut their taxes without raising them somewhere else.

  • @[email protected]
    1121 days ago

    The bourgeoisie and the wealthy are evil AF. Capitalism rewards it. We need to bring down the walls and get these fucks up against those that remain.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    1021 days ago

    If anyone is surprised by that I just want to point out that the person starting at you through the glass in the bathroom is you, it’s called a reflection.

  • @CaptDust
    21 days ago

    Why are PACs still a thing

  • @[email protected]
    119 days ago

    I mean fucking duh he appeals to the rich and doesn’t give af about the poor giving tax cuts to the rich and having them write laws for him. I mean biden ain’t much better but trumps far more open about only caring about the rich

  • @[email protected]
    120 days ago

    Either you systemically enforce the evisceration, & prevention, of kleptarchy…

    XOR kleptarchy highacks your country, permanently.

    There isn’t even a single photon of “middle ground” in that process.

    _ /\ _