If the teens had real guns, peace would have erupted, instead.

Waiting for Congress to ban airsoft and all fake guns.

  • @[email protected]
    6120 days ago

    OP is making jokes in their summary, but this is serious, a kids fucking dead.

    And this isn’t pranking and getting consequences. They were walking into a store to return one, and some fucking asshat attacked and killed one of them

    Myers saw three teens approach the Big 5 Sporting Goods store with what he thought were handguns and believed they were going to rob the store, according to the affidavit. He further stated that he felt he did not have time to call 911 and that he “had a duty to act to stop the individuals from hurting someone innocent, and to protect his son,” per the court filing.

    Myers, who was armed with a registered semiautomatic pistol, told police he approached the teens with his gun out and told them to put their hands in the air, but no one complied, the police affidavit said. He then fired multiple rounds at the victim because he thought the teen was reaching into the waistband of his pants for what Myers believed was a gun and that the teen “was going to kill him,” according to the filing.

    • @[email protected]
      5920 days ago

      So, this guy had a gun on him, and saw someone else with a gun… And thought person with a gun, danger!?

      What an asshole.

      • SeaJ
        1420 days ago

        I wonder why the guy thought the kid was going to rob the place? Oh…he was brown.

    • @[email protected]
      4420 days ago

      The account really reads like he lept to using his gun as a first resort instead of the last. When all you have is a hammer…

      Also, in a country filled with those who pride themselves on the right to own guns and on their actual ownership of guns I’m still surprised that people view other people having guns as a justification to kill them.

      Police kill someone in a routine traffic stop? It’s okay, he had a gun.

      Random citizen kills another random citizen? It’s okay, he had a gun.

    • @[email protected]
      3920 days ago

      The Rambo fantasy kills another innocent kid.

      And also, very likely, traumatized multiple others who just witnessed a couple of teenagers get shot and killed.

    • @[email protected]
      2420 days ago

      he approached the teens with his gun out and told them to put their hands in the air, but no one complied

      Well yeah, he’s not a cop. He’s a random lunatic with a gun.

  • @MerrySkeptic
    4720 days ago

    A kid with his whole life in front of him is dead because some wannabe cop decided it was his duty to guard the parking lot that nobody asked him to guard.

    And the icing on the cake: he did this while his own son was in martial arts class. Now this asshat is likely going to prison (there’s witnesses and video surveillance and he’s not a cop so he will get some kind of prison time) and his own son is going to miss out on having his dad in his life.

    This country has a fucking problem. We sold our soul to capitalism and this is what happens. There’s no hope for meaningful legislation. Any systemic reform that might hurt an industry with enough money has no hope.

    But hey, thoughts and prayers, and all that bullshit

    • @[email protected]
      2720 days ago

      and his own son is going to miss out on having his dad in his life.

      Maybe in this case, it’s for the best.

  • @[email protected]
    2820 days ago

    I’ve stopped carrying while out in public entirely, and this is one of the reasons.

    I also don’t want to be mistaken for a bad guy and shot by a LEO or another civilian who’s carrying.

  • Cyborganism
    1920 days ago

    They’ll ban Airsoft guns for looking too realistic. Just watch.

  • @[email protected]
    -2420 days ago

    Hey, in all fairness, I think Super Soaker water guns should get a free pass.

    Aside from that, yeah it wouldn’t be a bad idea if they banned all those toy guns, especially the ones designed to resemble real guns.

      • @[email protected]
        20 days ago

        Im a bit of a radical but hear me out. What if instead of having toy guns we had kids “play” at planting a community garden, mowing lawns for the elderly and handicapped, and picking up litter at the local park? Nah, teaching children guns are toys is the obvious way to go. Or ya know, fuck guns, real or fake.

        • partial_accumen
          1320 days ago

          Do you honestly think that kids need a molded plastic or stamped metal toy gun to “play with guns”? Have you never seen kids pick up a “Y” shaped stick off the ground and say “bang bang!” or “zap zap!” pretending its a gun (or laser gun)?

        • @[email protected]
          820 days ago

          I.M.O. an important aspect of play is its self-directed. If they prefer that, absolutely, but I would rather let them choose and try to provide safe ways for them to explore. If they choose gardening that would be wonderful, if they choose to play with nerf guns or airsoft guns we should try and provide safety and caution to insulate them from being injured, but otherwise let them play

        • @iAmTheTot
          620 days ago

          To be honest I’m not convinced this is an issue. I admit whole heartedly that my own personally experience is not data, but anecdotally I grew up playing with lots of guns and playing violent make believe, hell I even played GTA3 at a definitely not appropriate age, but I grew up to be a pacifist.

      • @[email protected]
        -520 days ago

        Fair enough, good point.

        That’s still not gonna get rid of all the guns already out in the wild though.

          • @[email protected]
            020 days ago

            Neither option is gonna fix the problem. Guns, both real and toy, are already out there en masse.

            Figure out a solution to that issue, then come talk to me. In the meantime, people wanna defend themselves.

            Disclaimer: I’m not an advocate for guns. I never have been. Just saying, guns exist already, both real and toy.