We banning guns yet? Alright see yall next mass shooting
Where were all the good people with guns ensuring that peace would erupt instead?
Well you see the proliferation of firearms always benefits the violent criminal over the heroic defender. Always. It’s a losing race.
Even back to the Wild West, places like Tombstone and Dodge City would come to implement gun control laws because, surprise, being mutually armed doesn’t help when the other guy has both the element of surprise and willingness to fire first.
But if it fails in real life, try, try again!
Not risking their lives to help you. They’re in it for themselves because they’re scared. They’re afraid of brown people because they’re told to be. They’re puppets to the propaganda and get their info from fox “news”
On average, the rate of a vigilante saving the day is one in 7,000. There’s no record of the number of shootings caused by bad vigilantes, though, so we don’t know if that 1:7000 is a net-positive.
Great stat.
The same folk are gonna win the lotto, tho’!
Alright see ya Tuesday man.
You may have to wait 'til Tuesday* for the next TV-publicized mass shooting, but it wasn’t twelve hours before the next actual mass-shooting event occured:
- 1 death and 7 surviving victims of a shooter on 2523 W Broadway, Louisville KY USA 40211, with no arrest shown
Note that the mass shooting in Arkansas is almost a Mass Killing, as a 3rd victim has now died.
In general, there are on average more than one mass shooting every day in America, and often a high number in a day. On the 15th of June, barely a week ago, there were SIX mass shootings - Cincinatti, Southfield MI, Rochester MI, Detroit, RoundRock, Tuskegee - and 4 of the 51 total victims died. SIX MASS SHOOTINGS reported by newsmedia IN A DAY, but the record I think is 8.
Anyway, I just came to say you may not need to wait four days for the next one, that 4 hours is usually plenty. 'Murica.
*Voices carry.
I can’t wait that long!
Probably won’t have to.
Yeah. It can happen as often as every three hours.
Over thier dead bodies!
Where wolf?
And over there. And a couple more over there. And one there too.
over there. And a couple more over there. And one there too.
‘Summer’ bodies.
Not giving up my rights because criminals break the law.
The right to kill people is pretty nonsense
Many of these criminals used to be a “good guy with a gun” until, one day, it snapped.
There’s a reason why the US stands out of gun violence, and it’s the easy access to weapons.
No, we’re not banning guns because that requires a Constitutional amendment, not going to happen. We couldn’t pass an amendment making 06/21 Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.
But to those of you with this facile “BAN” argument, I have a couple of questions. Why wasn’t this shit happening when I was a kid? EDIT: By “this shit”, I meant mass shootings.
You could order whatever the hell you liked from the Sears catalog. LOL, I have a pump shotgun that was sold in Western Auto stores. You could ride around with long guns mounted in your truck window. And yes, you could get an AR-15 in the 70s.
Only way I’ve seen laws become more permissive is regarding conceal carry. (I can argue both for and against this.) On every other front, more restrictions.
So what’s up? Not an easy question, I know. It would take a shelf full of books. We don’t know what happened here, but does it really matter to attack this issue case-by-case? It’s happening. It didn’t used to happen.
I’ll say it 100 times more, America doesn’t have a gun problem, America has a culture problem.
Why wasn’t this shit happening when I was a kid?
It was. Gun homicides were even worse when you were a kid
I think this is about where it’s important to remind people that the 24-hour news cycle is a relatively recent phenomenon. Many of us grew up in an era where the news played for an hour a couple times per day. One can hardly understate the impact this had on “the news”.
To keep it short and on-topic: The news used to almost exclusively feature big news stories because there wasn’t time to cover everything. Local news would have smaller, local interest stories. Individual crimes mostly made the news when they were especially noteworthy. Now, news stations need to find anything to fill an entire day. This is how we went from journalists reporting on big stories to commentators “reporting” on every little thing ad nauseum. This has led gun crimes to receive a lot more national attention than they would have previously.
That’s a good point. Perhaps we were just ignorant to how bad everything was back then. I honestly don’t know.
Got some backing on that? What I really meant to address was mass shootings, but I’d look at evidence either way.
every stat in every city. this is one of those “so common it doesn’t need citations”
However, that is just “gun violence”. Mass shootings specifically - those I believe have been on a dramatic increase.
As in before, lots of individual murders. Now, lots of mass murders.
Guns are the culture problem.
No. They are a big part of the culture’s problems. Let’s not pretend other problems, like widespread spiteful hate, aren’t part of that same culture.
I guess you’re being downvoted by young people that can’t relate. Back in the day it was big news if there was a shooting, and it generally only involved 2 people. People did indeed drive around with rifles on full display. Yet few people were ever shot. Maybe in Detroit or Chicago etc but for the vast majority of the country it was unheard of. Times have changed. Mental health has declined. Everybody is depressed, frustrated, overworked and underpaid. I think such things can lead to violence. People are straight up losing their shit in this country.
America doesn’t have a gun problem, America has a culture problem.
Oh, I’d say both.
I used to be anti-gun, until I found out that Canadians own guns at the same rate as TEXANS. We Americans are losing our fucking minds. We’re kept at each other’s throats to distract us from the fact that the 1% are fucking us all over.
Look at the regs surrounding gun ownership in Canada.
Not the same animal at all.
Plenty of countries allow guns, but the rules for their use and ownership are far more restrictive than the relative free for all we have in the US.
We didn’t use to … until the NRA and America’s 2nd Amendment defenders started pushing across our border. Source
I don’t understand. Are you assuming every person in California is a Democrat and every person in Texas is a Republican? Those are the most populous states in the country. You are looking at a huge chunk of the country, of course they both have tons of guns. Every state has tons of guns.
The stat that I had read was that on average Texans own guns at a rate of 4 per person, so for every person that doesn’t own any, there has to be someone taking up the slack. The joke is that Texans are a distillation of what America is to the rest of the world: loud, obnoxious, and absolutely sure they’re right.
The point I was trying to make is that even though Canadians own a shitload more guns per capita, they have far less gun violence than us.
One law enforcement officer was among those wounded, Arkansas State Police said.
Maybe if enough of their heroic boys in blue that they salute with their special flag are wounded, we’ll start being able to talk about guns like adults.
Or politicians. And let me be clear to the mods and admins I am not advocating for this I am simply stating a fact.
“What gun problem are you talking about? I only see a freedom problem, and that’s the best type of problem to have!”
that man gave a lot of bullets their freedom that day.
Tots and Pears.