The people from Uzbekistan are called Uzbeks, the people from Turkmenistan are called Turkmen, the people from Afghanistan are called Afghans.

It’s only come to my attention recently that calling someone from Pakistan a ‘Paki’ is an insult. Should it just be ‘Paks’ and somehow adding an I is incorrect?

Can anyone explain this to me?

  • Scratch
    3 months ago


    How it’s used is very relevant

    To use “Mick” to refer to any/all Irish people is shitty.

    Using “Mick” to refer to your Irish friend Michael is fine.

    • southsamurai
      3 months ago

      But what if my Irish cousin Mick is also a Dumb Mick?

      No bullshit, that’s the nickname he picked up among his brothers. We aren’t Ireland Irish, we’re Appalachian Irish, but that branch of the family is a bit batshit tbh.

      But my cousin is dumber than dammit, and that’s what his brothers call him, “Dumb Mick”. The joke they have is that he ruined it for anyone of Irish descent.

      That entire side of the family is a little ball of crazy though lol. Our shared ancestors were potato famine Irish, whose kids married Scots-Irish. But there’s a branch up north that married into Italian families, and another branch (mine) that married german immigrants.

      So, we have family reunions, and the ethnic slurs fly harder and faster as the nights progress (along with any alcohol intake).

      Which is just a long way of acknowledging your statement about context.