• @[email protected]
    925 days ago

    Trump, Trump, Trump. “All these things Trump could do…”

    How about, Biden could have Trump assassinated as a political rival.
    Done and done.

    • @[email protected]
      365 days ago

      Democrats won’t, they’re too busy “taking the high road”. And by “high road” I mean “bribe big enough to live comfortably in Thailand for the rest of their lives”

      • @gravitas_deficiency
        43 days ago

        To paraphrase and increase the accuracy of a deeply wrongheaded (imo) political slogan:

        When they go low, we go die.

      • @[email protected]
        43 days ago

        Why not order the NSA to hack their bank accounts and just take the money?

        Everyone is going straight to assassinations, but there’s a whole lot that this immunity could accomplish before killing is needed.

        None of it will happen with a democratic president, because of norms that they apparently haven’t realized mean fuck all to the other side.

        • @[email protected]
          3 days ago

          The president couldn’t be charged for taking the billionaires’ money but the money could still be returned. An assassination can’t be undone.

    • @[email protected]
      -184 days ago

      That would instantly start a civil war, and if you’re keeping track, we don’t have any/as many guns.

      • @[email protected]
        194 days ago

        Speak for yourself, and if you don’t, you should really look into buying them. We’re not heading towards a happy place in this country.

      • @[email protected]
        4 days ago

        That’s a personal problem. The people paying attention and most at risk have been arming themselves since 2015. LGBTQ, Black, and Hispanic gun ownership are the fastest rising ones. Trailing them is more white people, whos rate of gun ownership is also rising, just slower. Eveyones been buying more guns.

      • @[email protected]
        -114 days ago

        I don’t own guns. I own glass bottles. They are far more effective weapons when wielded correctly. A single glass bottle can do more damage than a thousand bullets.

          • @[email protected]
            -13 days ago

            No, it is not. It really is not. Because Charlie is smart enough to fill the glass bottle and use it while Mac sleeps.

              • @[email protected]
                11 day ago

                That is because I don’t know to what you are referring. I was simply turning the statement around.

                • Lightor
                  14 hours ago

                  It’s a joke about the character Charlie in IASIP.

        • Lightor
          23 days ago

          I don’t own glass bottles. I own garden gnomes. They are far more effective weapons when wielded correctly. A single garden gnome can do more damage than a thousand glass bottles.

          • @[email protected]
            -13 days ago

            It is astonishing how few people know how to correctly deal damage with a glass bottle. It is not about the glass, it is about what it is filled with. Now I am smarter than to explicitly state anything in an open forum online that could constituted unprotected speech, not that that holds much water. Speaking of, the bottles are not filled with water.

            • Lightor
              12 days ago

              Yah, the garden gnomes aren’t filled with water either.

        • @[email protected]
          -13 days ago

          Wow, so many down votes. Either people don’t understand or they are against historically useful anarchic ordinance. Seriously people, if we have any hope of dealing with these problems we need to take some cues from some Ukrainian grandmothers circa 2 to 3 years ago regarding the proper and artful application of glass.

          • Lightor
            12 days ago

            Wait, I thought we were all kidding. Please tell me your not serious…

            • @[email protected]
              11 day ago

              “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” ~ Burke, “Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents” (1770)

              ‘They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ ~Franklin

              I will not be the one to cast the first stone, but I will also not sit silently by as the safety of my family is threatened. I have studied our history, I have studied our present, and I will not let another Crystal Noct occur without absolute retribution. This citizen will take the second amendment and its intended purpose of allowing the people to protect themselves from despots, tyrants, and autocrats who attempt to sunder the fabric of this democracy. I will meet force with overwhelming retaliation, if possible, so much that they think twice before attempting again.

              “Knocking him down was the first fight, I wanted to win all the others, so they’d leave me alone.” ~ Ender, Ender’s Game (2013)

    • @[email protected]
      -64 days ago

      Yeah turn their godlike cult figurehead into a martyr. Let’s see how that works out in the long run.

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    If she’s so concerned, she should resign. Let Biden nominate her replacement.

    By staying on, she’s basically signalling she doesn’t care about the court going 7-2 after she drops dead during Trump’s second term. No lessons learned from the RBG fiasco. What’s the point of writing these long eloquent dissents that never end up swaying anything?

      • @Kecessa
        255 days ago

        Unless it’s one nominated by a Republican president, of course

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        Yes, the best time for her to step down would have been earlier (same issue with Biden dropping out). But the second best time is now.

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      Conservatives would never confirm a new justice under Biden or any non-conservative president. There will never be bipartisan confirmations again in our lifetimes. The next justices will be forced through by whichever side has such power.

    • @[email protected]
      104 days ago

      She should resign, as one of the few level headed justices on SCOTUS? What kind of logic is that? You know she’s not a conservative justice, right? Like… I can’t think of any other reason you’d think this is a good idea, and during an election year no less. I see way less trolling on Lemmy than I did on reddit, but I’d like to believe this is trolling and not the actual opinion of a legitimate American voter.

      She should keep fighting the good fight while we hope for a couple of justices to die or be impeached soon so we can fix the balance of SCOTUS.

      • @[email protected]
        4 days ago

        You haven’t put any thought into the situation.

        SC justices are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Both are currently held by the democrats, the latter narrowly. Both are likely to flip next year. Sotomayor is over 70, diabetic, and travels with a medic.

        If she wanted to do the right thing for the causes she believes in, she should have resigned during the past one or two years. Biden would have been able to replace her with a younger, equally liberal justice. But she didn’t and probably won’t, so if she dies anytime in the next 4 years (or 8 years if the Rs win the presidential election after that) then the court goes 7-2 and will remain conservative-dominated for decades.

        • @[email protected]
          24 days ago

          I’m not sure anybody would make that call at her age. And to be clear, because you’re trying to infer that she is older than she is by calling her “over 70”, she’s 7 days past her 70th birthday; I’m not sure anyone would regard that as over 70, just 70. So at what point in her mid 60s was she supposed to decide “uh oh, I’m going to die soon”, exactly?

          And there are so many uncertainties when a replacing a SCOTUS justice that come in to play, especially with one side who will do anything to install their totalitarian regime and the otherside is on their high horse getting their legs sliced to bits because they were too righteous to jump off for the battle - why kick that beehive before it’s ACTUALLY necessary?

          • @[email protected]
            4 days ago

            why kick that beehive before it’s ACTUALLY necessary?

            Because by the time it’s actually necessary, you’re fucked. Case in point, if Sotomayor had resigned last year, her replacement would have sailed through, and there could be a 40 year old solidly liberal justice in her place, penning equally liberal opinions and poised to continue doing so for decades.

            But she didn’t, so if she acts now, her replacement would get caught up in “senate can’t nominate in election years for reasons” BS. Big political fight, but one that’s winnable since Dems ultimately hold the Senate.

            If she puts it off yet further, she would have to continue for the next 4, possibly 8+ years. And maybe by that time the democrats don’t have both the presidency and senate anymore, so her replacement is a less liberal consensus candidate.

            Failing to think strategically is an extremely bad idea when it comes to institutions like the Supreme Court.

            • Lightor
              13 days ago

              I don’t get why more justices didn’t do this. They’re basically rolling the dice and we end up right where we did with Trump replacing Ruth Bader.

      • @[email protected]
        -165 days ago

        To look virtuous without contributing anything substantive towards your cause.

        At this point, the one substantive thing Sotomayor can do is resign and make way for an ideologically aligned replacement. And this, she doesn’t do.

            • Lightor
              13 days ago

              Dude, I’m with you on them retiring strategicly to be replaced by younger judges, but they would just disagree like they are now. They write up why they disagree and share it, there’s not much else they can do when out voted.