Definitely this one. This just killed my hope that he loses again, and you know the Gravy Seals are going to step up their harassment and violence towards people - and that would have been true either way. At least with the other outcome he doesn’t get in.
He couldn’t have asked for a better gift for his campaign.
As someone indicated below, he’s now a living martyr. I would place money that he uses this to galvanize his following and it actually benefits him in the polls.
He needed to die in an embarrassing way (lethal dose of ex-lax?) for it to hurt his reputation.
I don’t buy the ‘pave the way for someone worse’ argument. Who would that be? I can’t think of anyone right now, except for maybe De Santis in terms of actually being somewhat competent.
Apparently, eating C-4 causes diarrhoea. Bomb tech recruits would be fed small amounts of C-4 and then chased around with a taser, a shock from which they feared would set it off, while trying not to shit themselves
Cruz is competent and evil, ramashwarmy will do anything the likes of miller and bannon come up with, de sanstis as you said… There are worse options, frightingly…
him dying would’ve turned him into a martyr and basically solidified him as a saint, if not a god, to the maga crowd. I can imagine the repercussions of that. there’s also the possibility that someone worse replaces him, someone just as fascist and selfish but twice as competent, and that would be disastrous. y’know, the whole “guys I went back in time and killed Hitler” trope/joke.
Which biden would be prepared to deal with. Keep in mind that Trump was in office for Jan 6. One might even consider that a good thing, as this time with a competent president there would be less victims, and more insurrectionists getting their voting rights taken away.
Definitely this one. This just killed my hope that he loses again, and you know the Gravy Seals are going to step up their harassment and violence towards people - and that would have been true either way. At least with the other outcome he doesn’t get in.
He couldn’t have asked for a better gift for his campaign.
As someone indicated below, he’s now a living martyr. I would place money that he uses this to galvanize his following and it actually benefits him in the polls.
He needed to die in an embarrassing way (lethal dose of ex-lax?) for it to hurt his reputation.
I don’t buy the ‘pave the way for someone worse’ argument. Who would that be? I can’t think of anyone right now, except for maybe De Santis in terms of actually being somewhat competent.
Might not be a politician. He wasn’t before he became president.
Apparently, eating C-4 causes diarrhoea. Bomb tech recruits would be fed small amounts of C-4 and then chased around with a taser, a shock from which they feared would set it off, while trying not to shit themselves
A perversion of the word Martyr as it requires one to walk in faith. The appropriating of religious symbols merely as an aesthetic is really on brand…
Martyr apparently comes from Greek meaning “one who testifies in court.” The religious connotations came later.
Cruz is competent and evil, ramashwarmy will do anything the likes of miller and bannon come up with, de sanstis as you said… There are worse options, frightingly…
Haley isn’t really afraid to say the quiet part loud.
him dying would’ve turned him into a martyr and basically solidified him as a saint, if not a god, to the maga crowd. I can imagine the repercussions of that. there’s also the possibility that someone worse replaces him, someone just as fascist and selfish but twice as competent, and that would be disastrous. y’know, the whole “guys I went back in time and killed Hitler” trope/joke.
Yeah but then he couldnt be in the oval, which is what actually matters lol.
others have made a terrifying point that his death could incite another instruction like Jan 6.
Which biden would be prepared to deal with. Keep in mind that Trump was in office for Jan 6. One might even consider that a good thing, as this time with a competent president there would be less victims, and more insurrectionists getting their voting rights taken away.
¿Biden competent? He’s probably gonna die of old age by Jan 5, and if not, is going to be ordering who knows what crap with his dementia on Jan 6…
You’re going to have to do better if you want to fool anyone, estúpido troll ruso.
Don’t engage, just mark him as a right wing troll with a user note so you can remember not to engage with him.
I’ll give you one (1) pity point for jumping right to the low hanging tree category for personal attack.
I still think that would be better
Now he’s a living martyr.
Trump at his next public appearance.
this is true…
I’m pretty sure that’s already true, but I see your point overall.
A lot of them already called him “the God Emperor”, so…