He only raped some of the people involuntarily sold into slavery as property, they were just like family!
He also probably only raped a handful of his own family members, so that tracks.
she must be from alabama
“If he was racist, would he have had sex with his slaves? Checkmate libtards.”
Rape… It was rape
Occam’s Razor - The simplest (and most disturbing) answer is usually the correct one.
I’m not racist, I raped a black before !
the fact that greater than zero of these people exist shows this country has a long fucking way to go…
Do they think slave owners didn’t feed their slaves?
Do they think that feeding cattle counts as familial love?
Next you’ll be telling me I’m not supposed to fyck the cows.
Oh, JD…
They said cows, not couch.
Just couldn’t wait to get his hands on that sweet juicy leather.
Only if you cuddle afterwards.
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Guys. This is satire. Right???
I wish I could give you comforting lies
I really wish, my mother says shit like this about her ancestors on her dad’s side. It’s always a real ‘what the hell are you talking about’ moment from the rest of us.
Grandpa treated his victims like family see? It’s not all bad!! /s
I can actually imagine him saying: “They are so lovely… almost like real people”
My employer treats me well I love capitalism 🥰
“Full bellies”
Full of what?
You know what :(
Suits you, sir. Ooh.
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This is a serious-as-a-heart-attack mindset in much of the rural south in large part because it’s literally the history taught in schools and has been since the 19th century.
Florida and Texas and Oklahoma are just the most outrageous in legislating that it be kept that way, but a lot of it just perpetuates itself because “it’s what we were always taught”.
As the grandson of a racist Nazi Wehrmacht soldier who likely committed war crimes in WWII… I keep being astonished how far some Americans go to not acknowledge the crimes of their ancestors.
It’s okay, your ancestors can be horrible human beings without anyone thinking any less of you… in fact, you defending them, yeah, that’s why people think less of you. How is the flawlessness of your “heritage” so important to your ego? Do you have nothing else to be proud of?
I wouldn’t doubt if he got a few of them pregnant
Nearly breaking her back to bend the truth. That’s just “rape” with extra words. Her great-grandfather raped his slaves, and instead of just saying “that’s bad” she defends sexual assault. It’s hard to wrap my brain around.
I think we, in Europe, forget how many lies are folded up into and built on, like a house of cards, their nation’s founding story. I mean, were all guilty of it to one extent or another but theirs is closer to a theocratic fundamentalism, to some people.
I mean, what other large country is beholden to a 400 year old document, written in a style of English no one uses anymore? Something so open to interpretation that you’re one court ruling from companies being people and paying to unduly influence democracy is freezepeach and their aint no limit on freedom, baby!
In the UK, we have multiple copies of the original, singed magna carta. Not the magna Carta of finance or whatever. I’m talking about actual, literal physical representations of the birth of Western democracy.
Do we still abide by it word for word?
No, that would be fucking stupid.
This woman would melt down if you so much as blocked her into her driveway, but believes lifelong servitude as talkative farm equipment is okie-dokie so long as there’s food and shelter. Anything to avoid criticizing her ingroup.
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I wasn’t the one who censored it.
Let’s not.
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… to mock it and the sentiment expressed by it. Not to organize a harassment campaign.
id argue these people have to be at least ashamed of being like this again
I’d agree, but I’d also say that organizing a bunch of strangers to harass her is unlikely to accomplish anything unless we’re willing to keep it up over an extended period of time (and even then, what is accomplished may not be what is desired), and at that point, we probably could do more productive things to shame racists with our time.
I’d tend to agree, but that doesn’t mean folks should bitch at PugJesus about it. If oehm wants it done differently, he should do it himself.
Alright that’s fair. The person in the post just pissed me off first thing this morning I wasn’t really thinking rationally
It’s cool. On the list of things worth getting pissed about, slavery apologia is definitely near the top.
No you’re right we’ll just be blind and let this fester. Things are wrong with society so we should be either ignorant of it or give up on it. I’m so sick of thinking, why can’t I be entitled to constant comfort and freedom like I was promised as a child in the 80s?
FYI, his name is Thomas Jefferson, IV