• @[email protected]
    1772 months ago

    Old Sleep Don is in a lose-lose situation here. If Dementia Don changes his mind and shows up, then the smart black woman will chew him up and spit him out because he’s no match for her, not even close. If Drowsy Don doesn’t show up, Harris can emphasize in every answer what a yellow-bellied chicken he is. Harris has outclassed him. He should give up and drop out, but his narcissistic weaknesses and crazy weirdness will force him to plow deeper into lame loser territory. Everyone get out and vote BLUE!

    • @[email protected]
      872 months ago

      Calling him a yellow-bellied chicken is disrespectful to chickens. He’s a spineless draft-dodging coward.

        • @[email protected]
          582 months ago

          Yeah. Lots of people dodged the draft because of things like “I don’t want to go bomb brown kids with napalm in a south Asian jungle”. not “waaa my heels hurt :(” because you’re a rich fuck who hasn’t worked a day in his life.

        • @[email protected]
          132 months ago

          True. SpongeBob, and the average jellyfish honestly, has more character and ethics than this shit-heel of an excuse for a political candidate could ever fathom.

          • @vaultdweller013
            52 months ago

            At least when the jellyfish act stupid its cause they dont even have a decentralized nervous system.

        • @[email protected]
          42 months ago

          I mean, we’re currently shitting on perfectly innocent weird people by associating them with trump and couchfucker.

          Some of us weirdos resent the association we did nothing to deserve.

    • @[email protected]
      212 months ago

      My money’s on him using the phrase “nasty woman”

      The real mystery is whether or not a candidate is gonna call another candidate a “bitch” during a live debate

        • Zier
          162 months ago

          I would love to hear her call him a “whiny little bitch”.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        If they manage to goad Trump into a live debate he’s going to say something worse than “bitch”.

        Trump not debating is just as much his handlers terrified of what he might say out loud to a woman of colour “not respecting him” and telling him he can’t, as it is Trump being a coward.

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      He’s just planning to push the “Rigged Election” line. Between his obvious insistence that the votes were rigged and now his inevitable claims that “They even had the debate without me,” all of his shitty energy is going to be channeled into fabricating a casus belli for his next attempted Insurrection.

      • @[email protected]
        72 months ago

        It would be very funny to see them try to J6 when there’s an actual defensive perimeter set up with no orders to fuck around and let them freely roam the capital.

        • @PastryPaul
          142 months ago

          I think a lot of people are forgetting about this. Part of why J6 even got off the ground is because the POTUS and various other officials were complicit. Not so this time.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        “They even had the debate without me,”

        Make it public and clear ahead of time when and where the debate is, and what the rules are. When he doesn’t show just ask Kamala the questions, and when it’s Trump’s turn repeat that he has chosen not to attend but if he shows up he’ll be brought on stage immediately for the rest of the debate.

        Yes, he’s going to lie about it, but anyone who blindly believes his lies won’t be reached anyway.

        Afterwards he’ll probably try to have his own private “debate” on Faux news, which is where the clear public information ahead of time matters. So that if Trump “invites Kamala” but tries to impose unfair rules it is easily called out.

    • @Lucidlethargy
      32 months ago

      He can’t drop out. He’s going to go to jail if he doesn’t secure the presidency.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      “And now I’ll hand that same question to my opponent - who I forgot isn’t even here, so I guess he’s too cowardly to answer the question on live TV.”

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        The fuck are you on about? Where did the person you’re responding to say Trump was Asexual? Are you basing this off the word Narcissist? You do realize thats a mental diagnosis that has nothing to do with sexuality right?

        • @[email protected]
          -72 months ago

          Oh, they meant Trump has a psychosocial disability? They’re insulting a right wing politician using an ableist slur that serves to increase stigma against a vulnerable population?

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Nah man, fuck enabling Narcissists. Dealing with Narcissists is a nightmare enough without giving them an easy shield to hide behind almost TAILORED to their disability in a way that they’ll never have to learn skills to overcome their incredibly damaging and harmful behaviours

            • @[email protected]
              -62 months ago

              You don’t overcome a lifelong disability. You learn to live with it and work around it. You think all people with NPD are abusers. What, you think neurodivergence is cured when a person learns mindfulness? No, even if they are 100% on top of their mental health, they still have a disability. They are still targeted by the slur you’re using.

              You need to provide a path for people with NPD to recover, by believing that someone can be healthy, happy, and safe to be around and still have the disability. Because if you don’t believe it, how do you expect them to believe it? And if they don’t believe they can get better and be treated better, how can they possibly try?

              • @[email protected]
                32 months ago

                The difference with narcissism compared to other disabilities is an uncontrolled narcissist WILL fuck up MANY peoples lives, and while it sucks that it is indeed a person with a disability, I care more for the people who cared about the narcissist that the narcissist will eventually throw under the bus than I care about a single narcissist. Narcissism is a socially dangerous disability, and coddling them will make them even more dangerous

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                You need to provide a path for people with NPD to recover, by believing that someone can be healthy, happy, and safe to be around and still have the disability.

                Okay, but you don’t have to provide them a path to be President of a fucking country.

                Providing a path for people with disability to have a healthy happy life does not mean providing a path for a quadraplageic to compete in the pole vault, a pedophile to work in children’s beauty pageants, or a narcissist to be President.

  • @[email protected]
    1672 months ago

    Oh hey the Democrats are actually acting like they want to fucking win for once this election.

    • @zarkanian
      32 months ago

      Never forget that about one week ago everybody was telling us “Suck it up. Biden will be the candidate. There’s no chance he’ll drop out.” Biden bowed to the pressure because people were calling their senators about this.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    It’s especially amusing that Trump is reduced to a sniveling ball of cowardice by someone the Republicans keep trying to characterize as a “DEI hire.”

  • @[email protected]
    692 months ago

    They won’t do it, but it would be baller to set it up like a debate, and have the moderator prompt the empty Trump lecturn and have the camera hold on it for 5-10 seconds each time. It would effectively just be a Kamala campaign interview, but with a bit of shade casting between each question.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      Everyone forgets but trump dropped out of the town hall debate with Biden in 2020. Biden actually showed up and just did the townhall by himself. He came off pretty well but godamn did he look like Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter because they had him squinting up at a mezzanine of questioners with all the lights in his eyes.

    • Icalasari
      562 months ago

      Quite weird. Maybe it’s because it would be past his bedtime? He IS the oldest candidate to ever run

      • OhStopYellingAtMe
        322 months ago

        Hey, to be fair- he’s a busy guy. He has a lot of things going on. Maybe he’s planning to sexually assault someone that day. Or defraud investors. Or defraud banks. Or defraud campaign fund contributors. Or defraud a charity. Or start an insurrection. Or try to pressure a state government to overturn an election. Or try to blackmail a foreign government into producing dirt on his political opponent, or maybe he’s cheating on his wife. Or stealing government documents. Or selling government secrets to our enemies….

        • @ironhydroxide
          42 months ago

          Seriously, he’s got so much to do though. Like he’s already set the precedent, can’t get soft now. /s

  • @[email protected]
    492 months ago

    Absolutely. Dew it and give people your policy vs Project 2025.

    Shit. Bring a Venn diagram or two and some belly laughs.

  • @[email protected]
    462 months ago

    It almost has to be Alec Baldwin doing Trump at the no-show debate. Recent complications aside, his impression has always been the definitive one.

    • @[email protected]
      282 months ago

      I feel like there’s be some ethical, possibly legal, problem with presenting an imposter as an opponent at an official debate. It’s a bad precedent. Besides, Baldwin comes with too much baggage right now

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        Besides, Baldwin Trump comes with too much baggage right now

        Really? baggage is what makes him worse than Trump?

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          I didn’t say he was worse than Trump, just that running a shoddy film production that culminated in him fatally shooting someone doesn’t make him a good associate of a presidential candidate

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            I would argue that 34 felony counts doesn’t make Trump a good presidential candidate, but that didn’t stop him. What’s Alec Baldwin gonna do that will stop him from running at this point??

            • @[email protected]
              112 months ago

              I don’t think anyone here is going to dispute that. Just that Harris doesn’t need to associate herself with Baldwin

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Sure there would be trouble if they honestly and seriously tried to get him to present himself as the real Trump. Parody however is free and clear.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          There are FEC rules about debates:

          "The debate must include at least two candidates and must be structured so that it does not promote or advance one candidate over another. (FEC.gov)

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            They should just have her on SNL sending multiple trumps at once. Probably at least Baldwin and James Austin Johnson.

  • @[email protected]
    412 months ago

    They need to do what BBC comedy show did one week when a politician guest didn’t turn up and replace him with tub of lard.

    • @[email protected]
      192 months ago

      Part of the joke is how the debate process has been entirely hijacked by the parties themselves. News networks used to host these events, now they just get filming rights. The League of Women Voters used to present a neutral venue, but the parties went behind the organization’s back to set demands more appealing to the candidates.

      Trump refusing to participate in any kind of debate is just the latest in a long history of hostage-negotiation style organizing. I suspect they’ll end up on stage some time before November, after enough horse trading has taken place. But it’ll be so canned and superficial as to hardly matter.

    • YeetPics
      12 months ago

      I could see that helping Trump’s case.

      His base would be arguing that he was just being his stoic self by not responding.

  • Jackie's Fridge
    372 months ago

    She should just be unfailingly chipper, start calling him “old man” all the time, and framing everything around his insecurities.

    “How they danglin’ Old Man?” “Let the women speak, Gramps.” “This country’s too big for those tiny hands, Old Man.” “Step aside and go yell at a cloud.” “Shouldn’t you be lying about your golf scores somewhere?”

    That’s always his plan of attack, so you KNOW it works on him. Mockery and dismissal will have him weeping with frustrated confusion. We’ve already seen the best he’s got is “No, YOU are.”

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      lol you’re actually suggesting a presidential candidate insult the other’s genitals? Yeah, let’s all be 11 years old now.

        • @[email protected]
          -12 months ago

          The closest even TRUMP, piece-of-shit-manbaby-extraordinaire, has gotten to this to my knowledge is when he referred to Megyn Kelly’s vagina as her “whatever”. So no I don’t agree this is “where we have been for a decade”.

      • Jackie's Fridge
        222 months ago

        That would mean speaking a language he understands. Being civil and taking the high road allows him to bulldoze right in. Visibly dismissing him as any kind of serious contender removes his fangs.

  • @[email protected]
    272 months ago

    They are going to call her weird for this, then go back and watch Clinton Eastwood yell at a chair.

  • @[email protected]
    122 months ago

    This is what they should do. Show up to a “debate”, give Trump time to show up, start after a token amount of time has passed, and then just start answering the questions that the moderators ask with no need for a rebuttal. It turns from a debate into a televised town hall style presentation. Don’t forget to interject that her opponent was too afraid to answer these questions at every opportunity.