Original by Eric Decetis
I knew I’d seen something similar!
Yep, saw this the other day
It’s very far side.
Good eye!
Why didn’t you credit the original?
It’s literally drawing practice.
Eh, I see what you’re saying, but regardless of its quality, you’re still publishing it by sharing online and it’s good practice/common courtesy to credit sources. At the very least it points people down the path to find more if it sparks an interest.
This isn’t a bad take.
yep, best practice, shouldn’t take you long, and when you don’t, people assume you’re either ignorant of the OG or a shitbag, and both of those impressions are best avoided.
It’s literally a 1:1 copy of an existing work. What you were doing with it at the time is irrelevant. What a weird way to behave if you want to be seen as an artist yourself.
It calls into question all the other stuff you’ve posted. Were any of those uncredited reproductions of someone else’s idea?
“No”, I’m sure you’ll say. But now we’ll never know.
Be better, man. Credit where credit is due.
Feels very Far Side-esque to me.
Looks good!
Invest in a fine liner set going up to a fairly wide gauge, then you can work on erasing the pencil lines and replacing them with thick fine liner. After that the next step will be scanning them into a program like Krita, or Photopea, and colouring them. Then stuff like this gets a lot more immediately ‘readible’ to the eye.
Good luck!
I dunno I kinda prefer analog, in a day when AI can pump out things faster and better than I’ll be capable ever, it seems more fulfilling.
Honestly, I don’t even like pencil and don’t use it. I know for construction and mistakes it helps, but there is something to be said for something permanent on the page. Also I don’t really like the smearing associated with graphite.
Legibility is something I am working toward atm. I am thinking of increasing it by using multiple colors of ink. Putting down a layer of a light yellow/orange/red for basic blocking, followed different pens with different size tips and various shades of ink.
Love it. Classic cartooning.
What if I can’t draw, but I would like to use Krita? So how to skip the first part of drawing and scanning.
Graphics tablet
Krita is also available for Android drawing tablets.
is that duck cheney
This has Garry Larson Energy.