Remember the guy who tried to take a video camera into that Idaho courtroom, only to get tazed by the now-infamous bailiff P. Barnes? His name was Robert William Peterson, and I figured that it wouldn’t be too hard to find info on a guy like that in such a lifeless state as Idaho. I was right.

One of the first results on googling his name was this gem. Apparently, he was arrested a month ago for outstanding warrants for what was probably more sovcit bullshit…while being released from another jail in neighboring Washington:

  • Flying
    6 months ago

    My former best friend (and best man at my wedding) ended up trying to scam me for drug money a few months after my daughter was born and we were basically broke because of it. He ended up scamming my mom instead. Obviously, I broke it off and never spoke to him again, but something made me realize a few months ago that I could look up his record out of curiosity.

    Not only was it a mile long, he is currently in prison for running a meth lab.

    This was a guy who, when we met in middle school, wanted to compose classical music and even ended up going to music school for it before dropping out and beginning his long descent into drug abuse. I was doing the same drugs he was in college (or at least I was in the beginning), but he graduated to a pill addiction and then eventually, I guess, meth.

    But at least he wasn’t a SovCit.

    • Trigger2_2000
      6 months ago

      Sorry for the loss of your friend; he sounds like he was a neat guy.

      Drugs take far too many people away from us each day.

      • Flying
        6 months ago

        Very true. I really never thought he would sink so low as to scam one of his closest friends like that. When he just had a baby.