Operators of illegal marijuana grow enterprises hidden inside rural homes in Maine don’t have to worry much about prying neighbors. But their staggering electric bills may give rise to a new snitch.

An electric utility made an unusual proposal to help law enforcement target these illicit operations, which are being investigated for ties to transnational crime. Critics, however, worry the move would violate customers’ privacy.

More than a dozen states that legalized marijuana have seen a spike in illegal marijuana grow operations that utilize massive amounts of electricity. And Maine’s Versant Power has been receiving subpoenas — sometimes for 50 locations at a time — from law enforcement, said Arrian Myrick-Stockdell, corporate counsel. It’d be far more efficient, he suggested to utility regulators, to flip the script and allow electric utilities to report their suspicions to law enforcement.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    which are being investigated for ties to transnational crime.

    I refuse to believe this is anything more than more “War on Drugs” horseshit. Sorry world you burned Gen-X and earlier already on your ridiculous lies about Marijuana (among other things), we’re not buying it again.

    It’d be far more efficient, he suggested to utility regulators, to flip the script and allow electric utilities to report their suspicions to law enforcement.

    And it would be far more efficient to just arrest people who seem likely to commit crimes before anyone gets hurt, but that’s not how our justice system works, and that’s not what the constitution allows, so go fuck yourself Arrian Myrick-Stockdell. Maybe don’t be so quick to lick the boot and smash it against the neck of your countrymen.

    • Dr. Moose
      201 month ago

      Yeah, as if big deal international crime syndicate couldn’t figure out how to hide electricity bills. Either way there’s probably an easier way to find these dudes than to sacrifice our privacy.

      • @[email protected]
        231 month ago

        Assholes like Arrian Myrick-Stockdell are 100x more dangerous than your average maga. They will couch ridiculously fascist authoritarian proposals in nice language and present it in a boardroom, all in the name of “efficiency” - god damn that sounds a lot like a particular solution I read about once, but I don’t want to Godwin the discussion.

        Shit like this truly makes my blood boil.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Do large criminal syndicates even bother with home grow operations anymore? I thought most of them were busy growing weed in the deep remote areas of national parks or some shit.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      go fuck yourself Arrian Myrick-Stockdell

      I just wanted to say that out loud again so maybe somehow he’ll vanity search himself one time and receive my personal message that Arrian Myrick-Stockdell can go fuck himself.

  • @[email protected]
    271 month ago

    And Maine’s Versant Power has been receiving subpoenas — sometimes for 50 locations at a time — from law enforcement, said Arrian Myrick-Stockdell, corporate counsel. It’d be far more efficient, he suggested to utility regulators, to flip the script and allow electric utilities to report their suspicions to law enforcement.

    What motive would electricity companies have to report their customers?

    • themeatbridge
      81 month ago

      The actual answer is that significant swings in usage create a problem for the utility. It makes capacity planning and budgeting very difficult, and it could even put a strain on the infrastructure, one that isn’t accounted for in the $/kWh.

      Like when a youth group shows up st a McDonald’s at 10pm on a Thursday night, and 60 teens each order a box of chicken nuggets. You might think “Oh good, more sales,” but now they are going to run out of nuggets over the weekend. Will they be back next week? Should the restaurant increase staff or stock up on nuggets? What if everyone wants a cheeseburger next week?

      Residential energy consumption is predictable. Hidden grow houses are not.

      • @[email protected]
        201 month ago

        Residential energy consumption is predictable. Hidden grow houses are not.

        I would think grow ops would have very consistent predictable usage.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          They use a significantly more electricity than the average residential home. However it’s tiny amount compared to the average business/factory usage. It will hardly cause a blip on the network.

          Say they use 20 watts of LED lights per sq ft per hour. With 2000sq ft of grow space over a 12 hour photoperiod that’s 480KWh per day.

          The average home uses around 30kwh with 50% of that for climate control. So an additional 15KWh per day for climate control.

          Dedicated grow houses are looking at using around 500KWh per day. It will definitely stand out on the billing. They are using 16-17 times more energy than other homes.

          • @[email protected]
            61 month ago

            Yes, they use a lot more but it should be quite predictable.

            I still don’t see why the power company would want to report consistent predictably high consumers of their product.

            • @prettybunnys
              11 month ago

              Average community has x number of houses

              Average house uses y number of power

              Power lines buried and maintained by the utility are able to handle x * y power, grow houses fuck this up. An area being used for commercial / industrial use but zoned for residential is going to make it harder to plan that piece too.

              I’m with you that the idea of ratting out someone who may pay you more money is a bad idea but also let me posit the idea to you that utilities are often required by law to give a certain amount of time of grace period on delinquent bills to residential customers and that could potentially be gamed by folks who are just growing something somewhere harvesting then moving the operation somewhere else.

              It’s really quite easy to think of a myriad of reasons, none of them to me are a good reason to involve police though … fucking narcs

  • Flying Squid
    91 month ago

    Imagine if you could avoid all of this trouble by just legally growing it outside…

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I really like growing tomatoes indoors, just can’t get enough of those sweet sweet red berries. I like them so much, they make my eyes red.