On a less auspicious note, 1986 also marked the nadir of the cocaine addition phase of King’s career in the form of Maximum Overdrive, the first, last and I think it’s safe to assume, only, adaptation of Stephen King’s work to be directed by Stephen King himself. In Hollywood’s Stephen King, King says, with characteristic self-deprecating bluntness, that he was“coked out of [his] mind all through its production, and [he] really didn’t know what [he] was doing.”
That comes through loud and clear in every frame of the movie. King is credited as director here but this might be another case of a giant bag of cocaine becoming sentient and deciding to direct a movie that reflected its sensibility in its purest form. King is one of our greatest storytellers, but a movie about a crazy world full of Southern-fried assholes where all the machines suddenly become sentient and try to kill all humans sure seems like the kind of idea a sentient bag of cocaine would come up with.
Carrie: The Musical was also around that time. It was one of the biggest flops in Broadway history. I would not be at all shocked if cocaine played a big role in Stephen King okaying a musical based on Carrie.
King pretty famously gave the thumbs up to pretty much anyone who wanted to adapt certain stories. It was the “Dollar Baby” program and it ran from the late 70s/early 80s to about 8 months ago.
Some dude also just made a horror game based off of called decimate drive, where cars try to run you over at night. Kind of spooky but weird that I just watched this recently:
Let’s not forget the movie, Maximum
OverdriveCocaine.Maximum Overdrive is crazy fun schlock. It’s not even a guilty pleasure for me; I simply unironically and full-throatedly love it.
Not all movies need to be Citizen Kane. Sometimes a coke-fueled, overly acted B-movie is exactly what the soul needs.
You succeeded at XKCD 2184
Edit: wait, it has to have come out after 2000. You almost succeeded at XKCD 2184.
Titan AE has exactly 50% on Rotton Tomatoes, but I’m giving it a shout out anyway because it is an underrated gem
That one was so great!
As a horror fan, this is way easier than it claims to be.
Oh man, the gun katas were so stupidly hilarious
I love that movie! It got bad ratings?
I also like the Scorpion King. Even further, I like the Scorpion King franchise, especially 3 and 4
Carrie: The Musical was also around that time. It was one of the biggest flops in Broadway history. I would not be at all shocked if cocaine played a big role in Stephen King okaying a musical based on Carrie.
Cocaine “Hey Stephen.”
Stephen King “Yeah, cocaine?”
Cocaine “You like musicals, right?”
Stephen King “I do now.”
Cocaine “You know how people are trying to get Carrie turned into a Broadway musical?”
Stephen King “Yeah…”
Cocaine “You should a okay and use the money.”
Stephen King “What should I buy?”
Cocaine “More cocaine.”
Stephen King “Damn good idea.”
I read this whole thing in the style of Disco Elysium
King pretty famously gave the thumbs up to pretty much anyone who wanted to adapt certain stories. It was the “Dollar Baby” program and it ran from the late 70s/early 80s to about 8 months ago.
Plus, you know, cocaine.
Oh shit that’s so crazy!
Some dude also just made a horror game based off of called decimate drive, where cars try to run you over at night. Kind of spooky but weird that I just watched this recently: