His strategy will be
Throw word salad at every question
declare his policies are the best that anyone has ever seen in the history.
call “Camila” a Marxist, communist, socialist, bird brain, nasty woman, and a total disaster. All these words mean the same to him and his base.
regardless how bad he does, declare himself a winner at the debate. Whine and fundraise for the rest of the campaign.
Classic pigeon playing chess strategy.
The hilarious part is Kamala will do her best to refute those claims. The best strategy is to say “no you”, but she won’t do that and will fall into his traps. If she calls him a rapist and a felon and a loser with small crowd sizes to his face, than that’s a different story.
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I don’t think this would necessarily be playing to his strengths, look at how effective the “weird” narrative has been.
Also, almost no one that would vote for Trump is doing so on policy. Sure, she needs to talk some policy to keep moderates (and actual leftists) engaged, but I think there’s some need to mock him and his movement.
To make a bit of an analogy, look at how Gamergate actually ended; it wasn’t from crossing any bridge that went too far, or convincing people they were enabling harassment, it ended when Steven Colbert made fun of the movement on his show, and then that got mainstream attention.
Trump should have been knocked out in the first GOP primary debate in 2016. Everyone expected him to be laughed off the stage and for his campaign to fall apart. Instead, the other candidates took him seriously, and he was able to steamroll and bully his way through the primary. Mocking and humiliating Trump for being an unserious candidate was the winning strategy then, and it’s the winning strategy now.
Yeah, cause y’all have been doing just a bang up job calling her moves ahead of time, huh.
When the weird orange felon does his trump trot mouth diarrhea thing, and he will, Kamala Harris should pick out the most obvious, most embarrassing or most offensive one, disassemble it in an unflattering way then say she doesn’t have the time to address the other lies.
‘Trump Trots’ should probably replace Gish Gallop in the lexicon.
The same could be said of Trump debating a seasoned Junior High Debate Club member.
Like a well done steak seasoned with ketchup?
Smeared across a wall in rage.
He’s going to use the same tactic and drown his opponent with do many lies and fake bullshit that they’ll spend most of the time trying to prove him wrong instead of taking about their platform.
The gish gallop is remarkably effective- if you’re audience is a bunch of unserious, uncritical imbeciles.
Unfortunately, that’s basically the republican base;
It’s really pathetic how many of them lack any critical thinking skills. They’re so enfranchised by the whole thing that they would rather lose friends and family over admitting a pedophile isn’t fit to lead.
Unfortunately, that’s basically
the republican baseyour average American.
Yeah, but Harris has seen that dumb tired move, and so far she’s been a judo master that has been using his own attacks against him.
There is a reason she wants the mics off for the debate.
She wants them hot the whole time. T****s staffers want them off.
“We have told ABC and other networks seeking to host a possible October debate that we believe both candidates’ mics should be live throughout the full broadcast,” Brian Fallon, the Harris campaign’s senior adviser for communications, tells POLITICO. “Our understanding is that Trump’s handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don’t think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. We suspect Trump’s team has not even told their boss about this dispute because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don’t think he can handle himself against Vice President Harris without the benefit of a mute button.”
The urge to cough “bullshit” at everything trump say will be hard.
I’m not sure it’s a trade off for him babbling over Harris the whole time. We already know he’s unpresidential. I kinda thought the were calling his bluff so he could skip the debate, because there’s really no point having a debate with a liar.
Harris wants the mics on. She wants him to interrupt her with gibberish so she can shut him down with a firm “I’m talking!” and so she can call him out for his behavior. She’s banking on him making an ass of himself while she keeps her cool.
Hot mics and cage match or im not interested. “Omg it’s Harris with a steel chair!”
Then Principal Waltz threw the Couch Fucker off hell in the cell and he plummeted 15 feet through the announcers table.
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He was here briefly, but I believe went back to Reddit.
Damn, he’s about the only thing I miss from there
I heard he’s too much of a pussy to leave his mic on. Everybody’s saying it.
He’s too much of a pussy to debate. He’ll back out.
Exactly, no way this is happening.
I’d love for her to hit even harder.
“Trump wants out of the debate. I’d call him a pussy, but those things can take a pounding. Don’t know about the rest of you girls, but unlike Trump, my genitals don’t wilt at the slightest criticism.”
I sure hope so.
This is just working to lower expectations so a bad performance can still be called a win.
Trump has frankly gotten embarrassed at every debate he’s done, but the media handicaps him so hard that the narrative ends up being about everything his opponent does. So of course he’s going to do the debate. He’s going to say bat shit crazy things, he’s going to lie, he’s going to be cringe as fuck and he’ll probably say a bunch of racist and sexist things.
And the next day all the media will talk about is the time Harris sneezed or slightly mispronounced some word or some shit.
Edit: wording, added another quote
It seems to just be a never Trump republican, not much is included in article:
Stuart Stevens told CNN panelists Monday night on “NewsNight” that not only is Trump’s head in the wrong place — “his campaign knows it.”
Trump’s endless stream of attacks on Harris include calling her “dumb” and a “socialist lunatic."
Stevens said Trump has a “problem with women” — and a “real problem with Black women in power.”
The former strategist said the debate will likely not come down to policy, but vibes from the two.
Hopefully not as bad as election night.
we can only hope. it’s gonna be a fun night
I’m expecting him to do hilariously poorly. Man can’t even maintain his train of thought when saying a single sentence.
This coward is gonna back out. We all know it.
New headline: Former president will be a train wreck in September. Order popcorn now.
Shut up then
oh yeah, he should totally puss out as no one will make a big deal of that im sure.