I dont mean her presidential recommendation, no i am talking of her latest album. Its easily her best and its neither super poppy nor country. So during covid she got into folk music, and she just became more somber and mature almost overnight. There is a reason more older people listen vs teens. Shes older now, 34, and makes music for her age group but everyone assume she stills aim at teenager girls.
You could go to her newest albums and only listen to her explicit tracks to get the most change, but thats not all she is either.
Im no pro on music, i check spotify on Fridays and listen what instrested me, mostly rap but whatever. But im a die hard swiftie
Goes to [email protected]
Everyone should listen to this new album by arguably the worlds most popular singer
I like you OP :).
I mean…I’m pushing middle age and can’t name one Taylor Swift song. If four songs were played, and 3 of them were Swift’s, I’d still probably not be able to pick it out.
Nothing against her or the genre of music, just has never seemed like it would be my cup of tea.
This is why i think people should check out her newest album. Radio will only play her poppyist hit songs. She only has like a lot of top charting pop songs.
Shes a lot more mature with her music the last few years and it shows, just listen to her newest album you will see a difference from your expectations.
Uh excuse me, grown ass men in their 30s, which is what i am, listening to taylor swift is an unpopular opinion, that doesn’t mean its factual, just un popular.
But since you like my girl swifty whatd your favorite album/ song
Edit; spelling
30 year old man here. Pretty much all of her songs I listened to against my will just because of how much they’re on the radio. Can’t deny some are pretty catchy and get stuck in my head though. I like her old romancy songs like Love Story. I’m a sucker for romance.
So you already listened to her newest album right, right?
Even as a teen i liked her, but i grew up in Nashville and i know people who wemt to school with her, so we have a kevin bacon number of two.
I don’t think so. I’ll probably get a decent amount of time hearing it on the radio at my gym though.
They dont play her newest music because its not pop enough. But to each their own. You’re missing out though.
Counterpoint. Maybe it wasn’t the folksy music that resulted in her musical maturity and it was her hitting a milestone age. It’s a well known fact that artists crossing the 34 year old barrier mature significantly and often hit their artistic stride. You can actually Google “mature rule 34” to see more examples of this!
Hey. That sounded like you knew what you were talking about about, so I Googled “mature rule 34” and it turns out, you do know what you’re talking about about. I’m learning so much down this rabbit hole.
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Alright, I tried but I’m going to call it quits after I had to listen to “generic pop song 1 through 5”. If that is her best album then I haven’t been missing anything. I’ll go back to listing to Avril Lavigne for my teenage girl music.
You’re full of shit. You get the anti swift upvotes sure, but her newest album doesnt go pop untill the third song. And then the fourth song is one of the best of the whole album. So clearly you did not listen to it, you’re just acting like a bitch who says they did.
Well, I did if you believe me or not. And yeah, my plexamp even highlighted song 4 & 5 with a 🔥 symbol, which is why I quite after even those turned out to be meh.
If you dont like quality music from an artist who cares then fine by me. Taylor swift is the most American personality there is and i love her for that.
You may be overthinking this. For every virtuoso, musical genius, there exist people that do not like their music.
Some people love Michael Jackson, some people don’t. Same with the Beatles, Madonna, and Taylor Swift.
Musical taste is one of the most subjective topics that exist.
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My guy posted an unpopular opinion, then started throwing hands the moment someone disagreed. Just because you enjoy the music, doesn’t mean everyone will.
Next time just post your garbage into a word doc.
Wikipedia describes the first two songs as
A 1980s-inspired downtempo electropop and synth-pop ballad
A synth-pop song
Both those are still pop. I listened to the first few songs in the album. They’re not bad, and imo they’re more interesting than her earlier hits. You’re right that she has matured as an artist. But I imagine someone that disliked her earlier stuff would also dislike these. Music taste is something you can’t really be right or wrong about. You shouldn’t accuse someone of lying about listening to something just because they didn’t like it.
Counterpoint, you’re a dick. People like what they like, and if someone is not impressed by your “muse” or whatever, no reason to jump at their throat. It is not like they insulted it or called it hot steaming garbage, they just politely stated it wasn’t their cup of tea.
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Well, you’ve got my upvote, since this is unpopular opinion. I don’t hate her music, I just find it so bland. Like faster speed elevator music. I’m not trying to hate on her, or say you’re wrong for liking her music, but I am part of “everyone” and I don’t care to listen to it.
No. If theres any album everyone should listen to, its not from Swift. Listen to something more meaningful
What are you talking about? All music should be listened to from everyone
Ecit: spelling, okay i edited a bunch
If I don’t like it, why am I forcing myself to listen to it?
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People can not like Taylor Swift without you freaking out at them dude, relax.
Didn’t realize saying “there are better albums that ‘everyone’ should listen to rather than Taylor Swift’s new stuff” was being a prick.
Share your drugs with the rest of us please.
So in another decade she’ll be playing jazz? I can wait.
I think everyone should listen to her presidential recommendation
Unpopular indeed! Have an UPVOTE!
You talking about Tortured Poets Department? Jokes aside about recommending a popular artist as an ‘unpopular’ opinion - I actually do disagree. I’m a pretty solid Swift fan but TPD doesn’t really do anything for me. I’ve listened to the whole album a couple of times and I found the songs all kind of samey and forgettable.
If you want to introduce people to Swift, I’d vote for “All Too Well” which I think is just such a brilliant, relatable song about unrequited love.
Edit: Currently relistening to TPD and I have to admit Florida!!! is better than I remembered.
Hmmm, I kinda agree this is an unpopular opinion to an extent.
I would, however, argue that it’s relatively rather than objectivly unpopular, so expect a lot of disagreement.
I also kinda agree. Not for the way you said things (which never actually says why everyone should give her a listen, only general opinions about the recent album and her catalog), but I tend to be in favor of trying any major artist at least once, purely as a way of connecting to other people.
Music can bridge gaps. If there’s millions of people into a given artist/band, there’s a reason for that, even if it’s something that you view as a negative. Sharing the experience, even if you don’t enjoy it, at least gives you a chance to share something with others to a limited degree. That’s always a good thing, and that’s even for objectively bad music/art/literature.
I apologize, i tend to only post when i drink and thats when the barrier that prevents me from being social is gone.
The only thing i need to say is listen to her newest deluxe album . If you’re 4 songs in amd don’t like it? Drop it.
Nothing wrong there :)
I love you.
No grind, no go.
I’ve tried … was not impressed.
Actually i think down bad would be the best introduction of taylor swift now. Its folky popy and she says fuck a bunch, so its a great starting point that ignored her younger country times.