Donald Trump on Friday said he does not enjoy running for president and criticized state and federal prosecutors for not offering him plea deals, capping a rough seven days for the Republican presidential nominee.
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He literally can’t…
It’s the only thing keeping him out of prison, and why despite the optics DC needs to be on lockdown for the certification in January. Full on towers and NG decked out like they were in the desert.
If Trump loses he’s 100% planning it again, this time all gas no brakes. They’ll come in with guns from the start and kill anyone that isn’t a trumpet in the capitol.
I don’t think people realize how lucky we were that they really thought they could just go in and “speak with a manager”. Most of the ones from last time are out of or never went to jail.
Historically the second attempt is always bloodier. Winning the election is very unlikely to be the end of it.
Last time Trump actively prevented security forces from doing their jobs. This time the fuckers won’t have that kind of luck.
Justice Roberts: “Well, actually, the constitution actually says the last president does take control of the nation’s armed forces, so long as he currently lives in a state that isn’t north of Virginia. It also specifically says this only counts if he needs to wear suntan lotion while he golfs at his own course, weird.”
Justice Roberts: “Well, actually,
Biden: “Well, actually, locking you up in gitmo is an official act. You are acting in support of a domestic terrorist. I’ll make sure they have a soft serve machine for you.”
One can only hope.
I can’t even hope that much.
It took biden’s admin over two and a half years to get fucking nuclear secrets back… because that’d be “political”.
When trump stopped being president he had no need to have or access those documents. That case should have been simple, cut and dry, and a total slam dunk.
But it took them another 3 years to get the special prosecutor going on it.
Naw. I have zero hopes that Biden will actually swing back.
Not running for reelection, I dunno… maybe dude grows a backbone and surprises us. Not holding my breath… but who knows… maybe we get lucky?
I sure hope that is the case, but I pessimisticly fear a weak response to the next Jan 6 attempt because taking steps to put down a violent insurrection is “too political.”
They’ve already declared the highest level of security in the city for that day, fwiw.
I sure hope that is the case, but I pessimisticly fear a weak response to the next Jan 6 attempt because taking steps to put down a violent insurrection is “too political.”
It would not surprise me if there is a full military division guarding the capital. They aren’t going to get anywhere near the place.
Last inauguration times the military setup huge concrete barriers and had the legit soldiers in place and I’m assuming it was DC national armed guard not you know US military cuz of rules and whatnot but nobody was getting into the capital with the gravy seals.
Full on towers and NG decked out like they were in the desert.
But anything less than that isn’t going to be enough. “Standby” isn’t enough.
And I don’t think Biden will want that optics. And I don’t think Kamala will push him to do it for the same reasons
I hope I’m wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time
But I really don’t think we’ll have enough in place, and that trump will do anything to avoid prison.
Hell, after last time they shouldn’t even let anyone close to the building. Set up a perimeter a block out and anyone that breeches doesn’t get back up again. I don’t think it’ll only take one bullet twice.
Attacking Congress to overturn an election has to be the definition of “fuck around and find out”. It can’t be less than protesting for civil rights.
It doesn’t matter what’s on standby off-site. Shit needs to be there and ready. A display of excessive force is the only thing that might prevent the attempt.
If they think the only thing between them and Congress is a couple dozen cops in riot gear…
trumpers aren’t known for their skills at risk assessment, they’ll go for it. Even knowing NG is a phone call away, they’ve blocked traffic in cities for dumber shit, the people doing it probably wouldn’t even know why they’re doing it, they’d think that was the whole “protest” like the rest of the city shutdowns they keep trying.
And I don’t think Biden will want that optics. And I don’t think Kamala will push him to do it for the same reasons
Biden is rightly not going to give a shit about “optics”. He cares about democracy. Full stop. There will be a fuck ton of military guarding the capital on Jan. 6.
We had the national guard post folks who were sleeping while armed in hallways in Congress in the aftermath of the last riot on the Capitol.
That seems like the minimum level of security that we should be having this time around, too.
He won’t be in prison if he loses At most he’ll be home arrest. And even that is a huge unlikely. He’s an ex president.
I’d love to be wrong, but I’m not betting on it.
He’s an ex president.
he’s safer in a supermax solitary. no open fields for him to get shot at.
That would be ideal. Preferably with duct tape over his mouth and tiny hands.
it’d be simpler to just soundproof his cell.
easier on the guards, too.
Not as gratifying though
I mean, I’m not stopping you.
but while we’re at it, maybe let him see news and maybe truth social, but don’t let him post or anything. You know. so he can watch as everyone forgets about him. (or does that qualify as cruel and unusual?)
This time will be a lot harder because he’s not the President.
“Oh, you want do a speech? Yeah, permit denied.”
Why would he do a speech?
He won’t be anywhere near DC this time.
And even if there’s no “protest” as cover, 100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.
Even if they’re five minutes away, these idiots really think they’ll be remembered as the new founding fathers. And can do a hell of a lot of damage if they swarm every entrance at once. Especially when it’s almost guaranteed some did it four years ago.
They’ll 100% crash out over this, and if trump loses he’ll keep campaigning and doing rallys to stoke this shit. They’re not rational, and they have a shit ton of guns. We need to prepare appropriately
And even if there’s no “protest” as cover, 100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.
they can be tucked out of sight on capital hill grounds. Set up barriers and emplacements ahead of time. if you have the space it takes just a few minutes to get an MG emplacement set up.
The reality is, though, that non-scalable barriers needed to have been used the first time around. the crowd control barricades are only really useful for guiding crowd flow when the crowd is compliant (like, at concerts or stuff, to just keep people moving the direction they’re supposed to go. They’re not meant for riots.)
For riots (or potential riots,) you need something like these:
The first is outside Hennepin County Gov center after the Floyd protests broke out. The second is the US supreme Court building after the RvW leaks ahead their Dobbs decision. HCGC has since updated their external security perimeter to permanent non-scalables that fold out in a hurry. Otherwise they’re basically tall, triangular steel towers that look “almost” like some kind of art.
Basically each tower serves as 3 sections along a fence. two sections swing out and lock into the sections of the next barrier-tower. Normally, they’re folded back to allow more or less free movement (but they also act like bollards to stop vehicles and things.) but can be quickly deployed once word goes out that something is coming. IIRC, they added those only around the entrances to the HCGC, and the courtyard would have to be secured separately. Those only took like a year to install at HCGC.
and to anyone saying the optics are bad. The Jan 6 optics of insurrectionists smearing human feces on the wall were, and remain, far worse.
D.C. has crazy gun restrictions precisely for this reason, so a bunch of guys rolling up in 4x4s with AR’s aren’t getting far.
The reason 1/6 was so bad was because Trump had 2 months to collect them there for a legit, permitted speech.
If he has no power, there is no permit.
If there’s no permit, there’s no gathering.
D.C. has crazy gun restrictions precisely for this reason, so a bunch of guys rolling up in 4x4s with AR’s aren’t getting far.
If they’re recreating Mad Max…
But they’re not searching vehicles when they get to DC.
He doesn’t need to be there tho, he can just tell them “it would be great” if someone did it on twitter
Fortunately he can’t post there (despite being unbanned), as per
You would be surprised at the level of restrictions in D.C.:
The folks coming from open carry states are in for a rude surprise.
No one is searching people as they pull into DC…
If they’re bringing guns to overthrow the government, no one is going to know until they pull them out.
Whether that’s a rifle from a truck or a pistol from their pants, it doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not when as soon as it comes out they’re trying to overthrowing the government
100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.
Then there will be 100 deaths. Because the military guarding the capital will be more like 7000 troops. And the entire Maryland national guard will be about 10 minutes away.
Why would he do a speech?
Last time it was a speech he had that encourage the riot. Doesn’t mean it has to be a similar style of speech the next time, but kinda makes sense that someone would think of this as the first thing that comes to mind.
He won’t be anywhere near DC this time.
Yeah he can probably give a speech from literally anywhere else in the US and there wouldn’t be much difference. Why would he want to get his hands dirty anyways?
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He could flee to Russia.
I actually wouldn’t mind that because of the profound shame it would bring Treason Trump and the Republican Party. Plus, we can seize his assets.
If Trump loses he’s 100% planning it again, this time all gas no brakes. They’ll come in with guns from the start and kill anyone that isn’t a trumpet in the capitol.
There is going to be a gigantic military force guarding the capital next time.
There was for the inauguration…huge concrete barriers completely keeping people out. I was working at the time down near the White House. They locked that shit down…it’s the fuckery leading up to that point we gotta prevent…
Edit: Soldiers were manning the blockage and entrance points.
It’s the only thing keeping him out of prison,
He literally can’t…Misusing literally.
He literally can, in the same way you could literally burn everything you own. It might be a terrible idea, but that doesn’t prevent it from happening.
Historically the second attempt is always bloodier. Winning the election is very unlikely to be the end of it.
So what’s your plan after Nov 2024? Where will you be? I might follow, I wanna go somewhere safe.
In addition to all the legal issues already brought up, there is also the fact that Trump is straight up lying about this - as usual of course. He is one of the most extreme narcissists known to the history of man. Being and/or running for president is giving him an absolutely limitless faucet of attention to wrap his fat lips around and suckle like the runt who finally managed to kick the rest of the piglets out of the litter. He is helplessly addicted to it. It’s like heroin to him.
I mean, he could just fuck himself in the ass with a cactus, instead.
Why do you hate cactii so much?
When you think of it, so many of them are immigrants. They don’t belong in our suburbs. They don’t belong in our homes. They should go back to the desert where they belong. But no, instead they’re pricking us with their thorns and I shudder to think what they’re doing to our pets and the wildlife.
Amen brother! A real American like President Trump shouldn’t be shoving Mexican plants like cacti up his ass. He should be fucking himself with the most American thing of all: the barrel of a semi-automatic rifle.
I have a feeling the quiet part might be something like this:
“… but I need to run to avoid prison.”
And pay off debts
“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself.
-Animal Farm, by George Orwell
Then quit, you fuckwitted traitor.
The only thing making you run is your fear of fucking jail.
Jails not so bad. I’m sure you and your underpaid legal team could work out a deal.
*felonious presidential candidate whines that it isn’t fair he isn’t getting more plea deals
This country is truly fucked
Low-energy. Sad.
He doesn’t like having towin the election. He would much rather it just be given to him, like everything else in his life.
This is one of the very rare occasions I believe what he’s saying…
I don’t. I think campaigning, rallies, and fundraiser dinners are actually his favorite things to do that arent golf. It’s people paying to stroke his ego. It’s a narcissist’s wildest dream. He just doesn’t like facing the consequences of his actions over the past 8 years.
I’m on the side that he never intended to win at all and he just wanted to get in the spotlight to have some followers to sell gold sprayed products to. Now he’s in way too deep and can’t dig his way out. Tough tits.
This is a man that’s run for office 4 times, and a man that has not stopped campaigning and holding rallies for 10 years.
If he actually wanted to get elected, he would shut the fuck up and stay off the campaign stage. That’s when his polls go up. But homie loves campaign rallies and campaign press SO much, that he can’t stop.
He doesn’t like having to prove his case to get votes and he really doesn’t like being shot at.
Well boo-friggin-hoo! Nobody’s holding a gun to his head and forcing him to run. His legal problems are 100% his own damn fault, and he’s putting the whole country up for sale to the highest bidder in order to evade restitution. I eagerly await the day when I never have to hear about this blowhard moron ever again.
We don’t like you doing it either.
criticized state and federal prosecutors for not offering him plea deals
“We won’t prosecute you for treason if you drop out of the race.” Is that what he’s expecting?
I really, really hope that this is a sign that Donnie is genuinely worried that he’ll end up in prison.